There was a thread about this two years ago.

There is Scamper for Squeak,
It used to come standard in Squeak.  When I knew it, it couldn't quite
handle HTML 3.2.  I imagine it was removed from Squeak (and SqueakMap)
because it was quite impractical to keep up with the rapid changes in
the web.  It would be cruel to say that some browser engineers never
saw a feature they didn't like; the truth often hurts.

There is already something called tODE, which apparently can make Pharo
tools visible in browser windows.  That may be a better way to go.

ST/X went to the trouble of including its own Javascript and JVM
implementations, but of course JS changes quite rapidly too and is
no longer the little language it was when introduced.  Heck, the
ECMAScript specification is bigger than the source code listing of
the mainframe operating system I used as an undergraduate.

We already have the tools needed to talk to WebKit; there is very
little benefit to the Pharo team from pouring vast resources into
duplicating what already exists.

On Fri, 14 Jun 2019 at 19:46, Arie van Wingerden <> wrote:

> Hi,
> for a project I need this kind of program:
>    1. client side only
>    2. must be able to programmatically show a web browser in a window
>    (Morphic??); only local content will be shown
>    3. must also be able to show other windows, containing simple games
> Now, I guess that 1 and 3 are possible straight away, but I am unsure
> about option 2.
> I found out that there are a few ways to do it:
>    - using C#, which has:
>       - standard web browser control out-of-the-box
>       - third-party open source chromium web browser component
>    - using Java, which (afaict) is a coding effort, but possible anyway
> That saiud, since I'd very much like to start using Pharo for more tasks
> (just starting) I wonder if Pharo has something to offer in this case.
> Many thx!
>   /Arie

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