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I've done a couple cheap and cheerful ORMs in various languages.   I always 
punt on doing the relationships because finishing the app is more urgent than 
writing a whole framework.  I just add an instance method that executes the 
appropriate SQL to fetch the related objects.  

You can spend a lot of time trying to do this in a generic declarative way, or 
you can just write a query as an instance method and get on with finishing your 

> On Jun 10, 2019, at 5:20 AM, sergio ruiz <sergio....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am currently putting together a Seaside website for my radio show. I am 
> trying to figure out how to model the "has and belongs to many" 
> relationships. 
> Each episode can have many tracks, each of these tracks can belong to several 
> episodes.
> I want to be able to present a listing of which episodes each track appears 
> in, and a listing of tracks for each episode.
> The approach I have seen on this is to create an intermediary object and 
> store a set of ids on this, but this seems a little clunky, and it seems like 
> there would be a clean way to do this.
> Am I missing something?
> Thanks!
> ----
> peace,
> sergio
> photographer, journalist, visionary
> Public Key: http://bit.ly/29z9fG0 <http://bit.ly/29z9fG0>
> #BitMessage BM-NBaswViL21xqgg9STRJjaJaUoyiNe2dV
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