I have been trying to replicate the behaviour of an existing (non-Pharo,
non-Smalltalk) application with Morphic. This provides grouping images
in a workspace, and then switching between laying them out separately or
"stacked" by double clicking on the group (or an image in it). When the
group is stacked, it can be moved around as a single drag and drop
operation. When the group is separated, dragging an image out of it
removes it from the group.
On the surface this looked like a perfect fit to the submorph tree.
Unfortunately, as both the Morphic chapter in Pharo by Example and the
intro document by Maloney make clear, if you enable double clicking (by
answering true to #handlesMouseDown:), you are interfering with what
Maloney calls the "default behaviour" of being able to drag a Morph around.
How do I reinstate that behaviour if a group is clicked on and the
double click does not happen? Neither document helps in explaining where
that "default" can be found in the code.
- [Pharo-users] More Morphic snags Markus Stumptner