For what it is worth, I have now completed two thirds of the Exercism tasks
for Pharo.
That's about 24 of them, maybe 1 or 2 more.
ONE of them warranted the creation of another class (the Tournament
exercise deserves
a Team class).
MOST of them were no-data classes with just one method.
A couple of them required multiple methods, which in turn required state in
class, but not many.
In each exercise the framework forces you to have at least two classes:
Solution  -- defined by you
SolutionTests -- provided
and you have to glean the interface from the SolutionTests class.
Your suggestion for a Direction class is perfectly reasonable, and would be
the right thing to do if Point did not exist or if you made a conscious
to avoid it for practice reasons.

I suppose the idea is that you push the testing button beside the
class, and when an undefined class or undefined message is encountered, use
debugger to begin creating it.  I found it helpful NOT to do that, but to
*all* the tests first to find out what methods were required and from that
work out what state had to be maintained.

On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 at 17:22, Roelof Wobben <> wrote:

> Hello Ricard O'  Keefe
> For my exercism is a way of practising smalltalk and get familair with the
> concepts.
> So sometimes for me totally new concepts like Double Dispatch.  so in your
> questions some of the thirth and fourth question. And I try to solve the
> challenges like there are real world problems.
> Because Tim like to push me further then sometimes the challenges needed
> so I learn new concepts or practice things I already learned.
> I agree totally with you that I always look if existing classes can do the
> job before I write my own objects.
> The problem that I faced is that I not always see which objects I need and
> what the responsibility is.
> Right now my thoughts are this :
> RobotTests  they contain all the tests.
> Robot . Responsibility for keeping track of what the position is and which
> direction it faces.
> Direction. Responsibility for calculating a new position or a new
> direction the robot faces.
> Thanks for you suggestion to solve it first in a language that im familiar
> with but I not so familiair with a langugae I can solve "all"  the
> problems.  Because smalltalk is OO  I sometimes look at ruby code to see
> how they solve things.
> Roelof
> Op 25-4-2019 om 06:23 schreef Richard O'Keefe:
> PS: in this thread nobody has disagreed about what OO programming is.
> The disagreement was about *how to apply it*.
> There actually seems to be quite a lot of agreement that the
> answer depends on what your underlying goal is:
>  - is this throw-away code for a specific problem?
>  - is this code to be included in a useful program?
>  - is this just for practice in an unfamiliar language
>    where you already understand all the concepts?
>  - is this for learning about radically new concepts?
> And everyone agrees that test cases are good for all of these.
> You might find it useful to join another exercism thread and
> solve some of these problems in a language that you are
> comfortable with, then solve them in Smalltalk (or Ruby).
> This will help to separate "how do I solve this problem?"
> from "how do I express this solution in language X?"
> Another thing you might find useful, having solved a
> problem, is to try to solve it a different way.
> For example, in a functional language, you might solve a
> problem first in a C-like way using mutable objects freely.
> Then you might solve it again using immutable values.
> And then you might solve it again using higher-order functions.
> And then you might solve it again using point-free style as
> much as you can.
> For another example, in R, or Fortran 90, or Matlab, you
> might solve a problem first in an element-at-a-time way,
> and then you might try it again using vectorisation to
> eliminate as many loops as you can.
> And in *this* example, don't suppose that there is One Right
> Way To Do It.  Get ONE solution going.  ANY solution.  I would
> suggest my approach, because (a) of course I would, and (b) it
> really is a struggle with exercism to find out what the problem
> actually is, and you want to get to SOME solution quickly.  But
> it doesn't matter so much, because the point is to try it MORE
> ways than one.  This is one way to learn design.  Try more than
> one approach and discover which ones work out better.
> I started out using Point.  Then I tried again just using bare
> coordinates.  I started with position and velocity as instance
> variables.  Then I tried again with them as method temporaries.
> I eliminated one thing after another until I was left with
> obviously correct code, and I felt no shame in using
> #caseOf: to classify characters, even though there are books
> that will tell you that using "if" and "case" is anti-OO.
> I could do it again eliminating #caseOf: in terms of "if" if
> I saw any value in doing so.
> In this particular exercise, you are simulating
> ONE instance (the robot) of ONE kind of thing (Robots).
> That strongly suggests that your solution might have
> ONE class: Robot, or perhaps TWO: Robot and RobotTest.
> That's the one active thing.
> This thing has properties: where it is and which way it
> is going.  Now from the point of view of differential
> geometry, points and directions are different things and
> live in different abstract spaces, so I would have a lot
> of sympathy for having two classes: Place (x,y) and
> Direction (dx,dy) with #turnLeft and #turnRight as
> operations on Direction and
> place plus: distance in: direction
> as an operation on Place returning a new Place.
> But a good programmer is a lazy programmer, and
> looks for existing code to use.  And the classic
> Point class in Smalltalk combines Place and Direction
> in one "two-dimensional vector" concept, originally
> designed for 2D computer graphics rather than
> geometry.  It's good enough, and Smalltalk programmers
> can be expected to know that Point exists (just as Java
> programmers can be expected to know about Java's point
> classes), so I'd use it.
> So now, from one mind, we have designs with
> 1  Robot
> 2  Robot, RobotTest
> 3  Robot, RobotTest, Point
> 4  Robot, RobotTest, Place, Direction
> classes.  ANY of them could be defended as a good design,
> depending on what the ultimate aim is.

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