For a change this is an exercism problem I know something about.
I did look at the exercism web site, and did all the SML exercises,
but could not find any for Smalltalk or Pharo.

The exercise is in fact about using a stack.
   stack <- empty
   for each character of the string
      if it is one of ( [ { push it on the stack
      if it is one of ) ] }
         if the stack is empty or the top element does not
            correspond to this character, return false
      if it is not one of ( ) [ ] { } just ignore it
   return (the stack is empty)

BOTH of the "return" constructs in this pseudo-code become
^ something
in Smalltalk.  "Long returns", where "^" occurs inside a block,
are well defined, very useful, and universally accepted in Smalltalk.

There is no analogue of "^" for returning from a block.

By the way, this has nothing to do with #do:.  It's about
returning from the method through any number of blocks.
For example, you will sometimes see code like
   x := aDictionary at: aKey ifAbsent: [^false].

On Fri, 5 Apr 2019 at 00:16, Roelof Wobben <> wrote:

> Hello,
> For a challenge of Exercism I need to check if some parenthes and
> brackets are balanced.
> so for example
> ()  = true
> ([])  = true
> but (])  is not true because the bracket has no opening bracket.
> Now I wonder if I can premature end a #do:  like this
> collection do: [:element | (condition with element) ifFalse: [^false]]
> in pseudo code
> is this a valid way to end the do ?
> or is there a better way ?
> Roelof

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