
if you are using Pharo7, you could do either on a class (affects all
instances) or on an object (affects only the target instance):

> classOrObject link: yourMetaLink toSlotNamed: #slotName option: #write

It will install the metalink on all write accesses to the slot. 

Note that if you target a single object, it will be migrated to an
anonymous subclass for the metalink to be object-specific. 

In both cases, if you add or remove inst-var accesses, the metalink
should update automatically. 


Le 2019-04-03 15:57, Vitor Medina Cruz a écrit :

> Hello,
> Is it possible to intercept a slot store? I tried with a before metalink into 
> #write:to selector, but it don't seems to work. Should I use another selector?
> I would like to experiment with ivar change notification, but I don't know 
> what is the better approach. I know I could install a MetaLink in an 
> attribution node, but that seems ankward and I would have to edit the linkage 
> every time my object is changed, isn't true?
> Regards, 
> Vitor


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