> The core cause of the problems is that the current NameResolver is totally 
> blocking, especially in failure cases, which gives a terrible experience.
> One way to fix this would be with the concept of NetworkState, a cheap, 
> reliable, totally non-blocking way to test if the image has a working 
> internet connection. Related is the option of 'Airplane Mode', so that you 
> can manually say: "consider the internet unreachable".
> The main scope was real internet access, not (possibly) limited internal 
> network access. But that is a good point to think about.

I totally agree on this point (and thanks again to push such network reliable 

For my project (where I consider Internet as an optional connexion, the less 
trusted one btw.), this is number one priority to be have a «  non-blocking way 
to test if the image has a working internet connection ».

As I see it, but this is conceptual. To have Internet, I either use:
1)  a LAN in between with a gateway (which provides a WAN service)
2)  an internal modem (GSM for instance)

I focus on 1) meaning if I (re) connect to a (know) LAN, I know if it provides 
a gateway. Actually the access point/switch is another node in the system.

So I kind of get around the problem. 

Still having a nice OS integration is important especially with all network 
interfaces we have (and I think that was a limitation of SSDP if I remember 
correctly what Henrik said).

So +100 to you initiative guys :)

>> Let's definitely talk. I hang out in the pharo discord group. :)
>> holger
> I am only an occasional IM users, I more of an email guy.

Not an expert as you, but definitely interested in such discussions. PharoDays ?

This could include pushing SSDP from Henrik and maybe integrating Noury’s (and 
others) dev on NetworkExtra ?

My 2 cents,


> Sven

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