@Richard , thanks a lot

I was already using that way and finnaly I solved it

here is my code :  https://github.com/RoelofWobben/Tournament-

Someone who can give feedback to the way I solved it


Op 27-3-2019 om 13:06 schreef Richard O'Keefe:
"I have a SortedCollection of Teams.  Now I need to convert *it*
 to a line like ...".
Well, no.  You need to convert *each team* separately to such a
line.  So something like
  aStream nextPutAll: '...header line...'; cr.
  mySortedTeams do: [:eachTeam |
     -write a formatted line describing eachTeam to aStream].

Now it gets interesting.  Whose responsibility is it to write
a representation of a Team instance to a stream?  Should it be
done by the Team instance, or should it be done outside?

Question 1: is there obviously one and only one format, or do
you think that in a more realistic example there might be more
than one way to print a Team object?  I concluded that there
might be many different ways to do it.  (I personally dislike
putting variable length fields on the left.)

Question 2: *Can* it be done from the outside or *must* it be
done inside?  Is there any information in the printed representation
that the caller cannot ask the team object for?  In this case, all
of the information is available through Team's public interface.

Question 3: Should Teams and printing be *coupled*?  Should a Team
know about details like the dividing line between columns?  In this
case, I decided that putting the formatting code inside the Team
object was highly undesirable coupling.

Question 4: Is it *possible* for a Team object to do the formatting
without knowing about all the other Teams in the collection?  In this
case, the specification is rather vague.  It seemed to me that all
the numeric columns should be the same width and should be wide enough
to hold the largest number with a space on each side.

In answer to question 4, my Tournament code contains
   w := mySortedTeams inject: 1 into: [:acc :team |
    (team matchCount max: team points) printString size max: acc].
and this clearly requires knowledge of all the teams, so it makes no
sense to put it in Team. (Of course, if the column widths are fixed,
this argument fails, but such a choice makes no sense for large problems.)

So now you need something like
   aStream nextPutAll: team name; space: 30 - team name size.
and then a numeric value might be written as
   aStream nextPutAll: ' | '; space: w - team points printString size;
     print: team points.

Please do not use << . Historically, << had no meaning in Smalltalk.
In some Smalltalks it means leftwards bit shift.  It is just too
confusing.  (In a shell, you would use > for output, not <<, which
is used for a kind of input.)  It is really weird to use s << String cr
instead of s cr.  So idomatic Smalltalk would be
  s nextPutAll: t name; cr.

Why are you writing to (an output stream over) an Array?
Surely you want a String?
But in any case, I would split this into two methods:

  printTeams: teams on: aStream
    -- print heading --
    -- print each team --
  printTeamsAsString: teams
    ^String streamContents: [:s | self printTeams: teams on:s]

On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 at 07:12, Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:

I have a SortedCollection of teams.

Now I need to convert this to a line like this :

'Allegoric Alaskans             |  1 |  1 |  0 |  0 |  3'

I tried it with this :

outcome := Array
         streamContents: [ :s |
                 do: [ :each |
                     s << each name.
                     s << String cr ] ].
     ^ outcome

or String streamContents but it will not give me the right answer,
So please some hints how I can make this work.


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