Hello all,

I finished polishing the repository a CouchDB client for Pharo that I
forked from an old, and seemingly abandoned, client for VisualWorks.

I took that code and refactored heavily to use Pharo and Zinc core classes,
and that included renaming the client classes, methods and the strategy
used to map objects to/from JSON.

It is available at:

I'm open to questions or suggestions about this or how to use it.

This is mostly experimental since I'm not using it in production and was
done as a means of exploration of CouchDB itself for a project I'm

There are a lot of features that could be added to the client, and things
that could be refactored further (such as the class side request methods),
but adding that is simple, and the current state provides almost feature
complete coverage.

Best regards,

Esteban A. Maringolo

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