While, I’m still interested in how share repositories works (and debunk some of 
my myths about it ) - digging into this users issue (isn’t Fuel wonderful) - it 
would seem that this image wasn’t created with share repositories on.

It looking down a very complicated stack (Metacello is very complicated) - it 
seems like a “localGopher” object has an IceMetacelloRepositoryAdaptor in it 
that has this non-existent path?

It seems like it gets this path from reading packages - but heck if I know how 
it ended up with something that wasn’t on the users file system (although they 
did have an image like that at some point previous). 

Anyway - if it jumps out at someone - I’d be interested, but otherwise will let 
it go for now.


> On 6 Mar 2019, at 09:26, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> Hi - as many windows users have struggled with the long file path problem 
> (some of which can be caused by orphaned files not even referenced in your 
> baseline - but that were checked in) - many users have started using the 
> "share repositories between images” and point it to a nice short file path 
> (at least we have a workaround).
> This got us running on Exercism - and unblocked our testers.
> However - I was suprised when I asked one of our users to update his image to 
> pull in some new code that fixed an issue for him (It’s the first time I've 
> encountered a conflict and had to use onConflict - and I’m not sure why there 
> is a conflict - but thats a side point).
> Metacello new 
>  baseline: 'Exercism'; 
>  repository: 'github://exercism/pharo-smalltalk:master/dev/src 
> <github://exercism/pharo-smalltalk:master/dev/src>';
>  onConflict: [ :ex | ex allow ]; 
>  load.
> So doing the above on OSX loads the update into my older image, and 
> everything was fine. However on Windows - one of my testers tried the same 
> thing and got a strange error:
>  “NotFound: failed to resolve path ‘C:\pharo\images\Exercism 
> test\pharo-local….” (See photo below).
> The weird bit is that we aren’t sure where the “Exercism test” bit comes from 
> because his image isn’t "Exercism test” - however I suspect that this is one 
> of the other images he created when we were testing 64 bit and he was loading 
> into that.
> So my question is - how is this shared repository supposed to work? It seems 
> to me that different images are storing non-sharable information in the 
> repository such that sharing can’t possibly work? As my baseline and setup 
> are really simple - I’m suprised by this - there is literally 4 packages and 
> one external dependency on OSProcess (which is an mcz I think). So why does 
> this fail? I’ve always avoided the shared repository as when I initially 
> tried it, I recall all kinds of weird behaviour - but as the windows folks 
> can’t seem to avoid it - can someone explain what it does and what we need to 
> look out for?
> Tim
> <PastedGraphic-2.png>

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