We have some extensions in Buoy just for that. https://github.com/ba-st/Buoy/blob/release-candidate/docs/SUnit.md
On Tue, Feb 26, 2019, 21:15 Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote: > Forgive me father, for I have sinned… but when I try to right good tests, > that fail in a way I can understand them it seems that SUnit doesn’t want > to help me… > > Maybe I am missing something, but in 2019 it should be easy to write tests > - particularly when we want people to contribute to adding more? > > So when I want to right a test to assure that I’ve thrown an exception > with the right message, why is it so hard (in the core image)? Am I missing > something obvious? > > My example model is supposed to throw a DomainException with a message > indicating that the strings :are of different lengths” - I search Sunit and > hit: > > > #should: raise: whoseDescriptionDoesNotInclude: description: > > Awesome, so it fails - but does it make it easy to know what damn string I > got….. nooooo that would be too easy? Its almost impossible to easily see > what happened the way it works. > > Instead I have to write: > > self > should: [ hammingCalculator distanceStrand1: 'AATG' > strand2: 'AAA' ] > raise: DomainError > withExceptionDo: [ :ex | > self assert: ex messageText equals: 'left and > right strands must be of equal length' ]. > > > And god forbid if I want to just ensure that the beginning of my error > message is correct? > > Why do we make this so hard? I know we don’t want to pollute the image, > but testing is important, it should be easy for obvious cases and it should > be more built in and less obscure. Is there something built in that makes > this easier? Do I really have to load in more libraries for the easy cases? > > Tim > > >