I’ve been able to find out more information about this - and have now got the 
full filename and error in question:
 The filename or extension is too long.`

So the path is 262 characters long. (hence the error)

The package this file is in, is a downstream project prerequisite for 
PharoWebBrowser - which is dragged in because that project doesn't have 
different groupings for code and tests (something I am working with Sean to try 
to get resolved - although I’m scratching my head on how you can test 

We don't see this in the image in OSX because the included baseline doesn't 
actually pre-req these pragma based tests? 

However from below, have I now understood that when we reference a project, we 
end up cloning the whole repository for that repo on disk (so one big read), 
and then metacello picks out the relevant files from the baseline.  So 
possibly, this might be some orphaned files/packages in the repo - that iceberg 
no longer knows about, but git does?

The longer term fix is to convert PharoWebBrowser to Tonel and see if we can 
improve the grouping.


> On 25 Feb 2019, at 17:19, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> I’ve created - https://github.com/pharo-vcs/iceberg/issues/1204
>> On 25 Feb 2019, at 17:12, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
>> Just to add some additional notes on this (and I will also file an issue, as 
>> I don’t think one has been submitted, and I don’t think this is fully down 
>> to file path length alone) -
>> After some more testing, we have also seen the error on Windows 32bit as 
>> well (so while easier to get in 64bit, it does occur in 32bit like others 
>> have reported).
>> My real concern however, is that a simple project (which admittedly pulls in 
>> a single Filetree prerequisite - PharoWebBrowser) seems to trigger this 
>> error - but confusingly references files that don’t appear to be in the 
>> image. Tracing through PharoWebBrowser - there are some file tree based 
>> pre-reques and some that are mcz - and none of them have files like: 
>> testRaiseUnexpectedMessageWhenTooMuchMessages.st
>> And this method is not in the image that gets loaded into OSX.  So I am 
>> wondering where these long files are coming from?
>> So yes, while there is a long filename issue - is there another hidden issue 
>> underneath all of this where files we aren’t even using are getting 
>> reference somehow?
>> Tim
>>> On 22 Feb 2019, at 00:01, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
>>> Some interesting thoughts below - but my understanding is these images are 
>>> being created by Pharo Launcher , so they should be isolated from one 
>>> another?
>>> I also don’t understand why you can load with 32bit (multiple images) but 
>>> only once with 64bit. Do we load radically different git code with longer 
>>> paths on 64bit? (Strange isn’t it?)
>>> Possibly worth caveating this is with 2-3 users so far, and only noticed 
>>> this pattern with the last one.
>>> Also - has anyone created an issue for these path problems - I’m curious if 
>>> my results match anything else.
>>> Tim 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 21 Feb 2019, at 16:01, Henrik Sperre Johansen 
>>>> <henrik.s.johan...@veloxit.no> wrote:
>>>> Tim Mackinnon wrote
>>>>> Hi Ben - while I understand the description below - why would it work the
>>>>> first time (no errors) and then fail the second time in a fresh image? Are
>>>>> we really sure its just down to non-determinism of the load process
>>>>> (possibly - but it seems very suspicious to me). There is something more
>>>>> fishy about windows going on I suspect…
>>>> The Iceberg cache path is relative to the image folder, so it's at least
>>>> possible to have success in one image, located in C:\Pharo\testImage\, 
>>>> while
>>>> another image, reciding in something like
>>>> C:\Users\sam\Documents\Pharo\images\exercism-test-run-7.0-32\ , fails to
>>>> load the exact same filetree package...
>>>> Tim Mackinnon wrote
>>>>> I will track down the Exercism dependencies to see if any of them are
>>>>> FileTree - having said that, on OSX (where it loads cleanly - I would
>>>>> expect to be able to find one of those methods in my image - but again I
>>>>> can’t? They look like valid methods - but why aren’t they in my image? Its
>>>>> like the load process is downloading other stuff on its own and then not
>>>>> loading that into the image?
>>>> Yeaaah, that sounds fishy.
>>>> But at least the first method sounds like a test, which may be part of the
>>>> packages in the git repo that gets cloned without being loaded by 
>>>> Metacello,
>>>> if the Metacello dependency specifies a *Core group which does not include
>>>> tests.
>>>> Tim Mackinnon wrote
>>>>> I’m just worried that we keep blaming windows (and yes its dumb having a
>>>>> file length restriction I this day and age) - but maybe we are missing
>>>>> another problem too?
>>>>> Tim
>>>> To be pendantic, (and not of much actual help, sorry :/ ) the problem isn't
>>>> really with Windows, which provides API's for getting file info that handle
>>>> long paths just fine, but with libgit, which is probably compiled against
>>>> some POSIX stat implementation provided by Cygwin/mingw, which does not.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Henry 
>>>> --
>>>> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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