Am 18.02.19 um 01:19 schrieb Tim Mackinnon:
Hey Ben - I’m not sure that this actually does the same thing. I just
tried it now, and it resulted in an extra merge in my forked repo - as I
think this effectively pulls down from upstream into pharo and then if
you have any differences in your local image copy they might cause some
changes which then you would push back into your fork origin.
If you just want a verbatim copy in your fork - you have to resort the
command line?
That's at least what I do:
git pull upstream master
git push origin master
I am pretty sure these basic operations are somewhere accessible in the
Iceberg code, but I have no idea how.
Iceberg would definitely gain from having a documented programmer's
interface. Git is way too complicated for a point-and-click interface to
be sufficient. I'd even say that "scriptable git" could become a Pharo
killer feature if done well.