Maybe I missed that part: Can conflicts with slots occur? The section on conflicts only mentions methods as cause.
Do you have a pointer to a slots documentation? Am 9. Januar 2019 20:32:51 MEZ schrieb "Cyril Ferlicot D." <>: >Le 09/01/2019 à 18:49, Steffen Märcker a écrit : >> Nice. Do you know where to find details on stateful traits and slots? >I >> am familiar with stateless traits and wonder how state is >incoeporated >> and how conflicts are handled. >> > >The guide I send cover the user documentation of Stateful traits and >how >to handle conflict. > >What it does not cover are Slots (that are independents from Traits) >and >implementation documentation. > >> Best, Steffen >> > > >-- >Cyril Ferlicot >