Hi Paul,

You can set the object to be "read only" (aka "immutable") and handle the


| u |
u := User named: 'Paul'.
u beReadOnlyObject.
[ "your code modifying u's state" ]
on: ModificationForbidden
do: [ :ex |
ex halt.
 "inspect state"
u beWritableObject.
ex resume

Probably there is a better way to do this with slots, using default ones or
subclassing `InstanceVariableSlot` for that instance only and halting on
the `write:to:` method of it.


Esteban A. Maringolo

El mié., 2 ene. 2019 a las 15:45, PAUL DEBRUICKER via Pharo-users (<
pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>) escribió:

> Hi -
> Is there a way to haltOnChange or some such for an object?
> I have an instance that gets into a state I don't understand and would
> like to watch it or several of its inst vars for when they change.
> I could set a lot of #haltIf: statements and step through but hope someone
> has a better strategy
> thanks & happy new year.
> Paul

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