Hi, I created a new release of P3, the modern, lean and mean PostgreSQL client for Pharo.
https://github.com/svenvc/P3 Version 1.1 contains the following changes: - added support for Postgres Extended Query protocol (P3PreparedStatement) (thx Jan @jvdsandt) - added support for reading array type values (currently INTEGER[] FLOAT[] BOOLEAN[] TEXT[] VARCHAR[]) - added P3-Tests package and moved all tests there - more comments - more unit tests https://github.com/svenvc/P3/releases/tag/v1.1 Especially Jan's contribution adds a lot of functionality: the ability to work with prepared statements. Here is an example doing a batch insert of 100 records (which is more efficient). | client statement | client := P3Client url: 'psql://sven@localhost'. client execute: 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table1'. client execute: 'CREATE TABLE table1 (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, created_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW(), name TEXT)'. statement := client prepare: 'INSERT INTO table1 (name) VALUES ($1)'. statement executeBatch: ((1 to: 100) collect: [ :index | Array with: ('Text #', index printString) ]). client query: 'SELECT * FROM table1'. client execute: 'DROP TABLE table1'. statement close. client close. Season's Greetings to you all. Sven -- Sven Van Caekenberghe Proudly supporting Pharo http://pharo.org http://association.pharo.org http://consortium.pharo.org