I was looking for iOS geolocalization
app on GitHub and found Overland from Aaron
Cool app that can send straight to a
Pharo image gps points. So perfect as a basis to
build a cool tool for my students and research
What was even more interesting is that
exploring Aaron web site, I realized the guy store
his digital life I an private manner like I would
love for years...
2018-12-15 à 12.47.32.png>
I then found several tools I find cool
and that I would like to port eventually (it’s in
PHP right now) to build a life logger.
I learned in the process about
micropub which seems to be a good tool to post
with a little semantic to a server (micro format
*** Do people know if we have
implementations out there of the
micropub/microformat tools ?
*** Do you find them interesting ? Who
would be interested eventually to help me port
such kind of librairies (from there mostly
https://indieweb.org/p3k) ?