Hi Esteban,

I get a Debug Popup as per below - how do I debug from here



EstebanLM wrote
> There is indeed a problem because cryptography package is still using an
> old API: #ifNotNilDo: that does not exists anymore in Pharo. 
> You are probably seen something like this: 
> (And this is a bug)
> Anyway, while we fix this, you can replace #ifNotNilDo: for #ifNotNil:,
> then save and select “proceed”.
> That will allow voyage to load properly.
> Cheers, 
> Esteban
>> On 2 Dec 2018, at 12:39, Sanjay Minni &lt;

> sm@

> &gt; wrote:
>> I am unable to load Voyage-Mongo and Voyage-Memory in  Pharo 7.0.0rC1
>> tried using the scipt below and also thru the Catalog Browser entries for
>> Voyage
>> any pointers
>> CyrilFerlicot wrote
>>> Le 16/11/2018 à 02:02, horrido a écrit :
>>>> I'm trying to load Voyage for MongoDB and I'm having great difficulty.
>>>> The
>>>> docs seem to be out of date.
>>>> What are the current instructions for doing this?
>>>> The docs also refer to "Configurations Browser" in World Menu/Tools,
>>>> but
>>>> there is no longer any such thing.
>>> Hi,
>>> Voyage-Mongo
>>> Metacello new
>>>    repository: 'github://pharo-nosql/voyage/mc';
>>>    baseline: 'Voyage';
>>>    onConflictUseIncoming;
>>>    load: 'mongo tests'.
>>> Voyage-UnQLite
>>> Metacello new
>>>    repository: 'github://pharo-nosql/voyage/mc';
>>>    baseline: 'Voyage';
>>>    onConflictUseIncoming;
>>>    load: 'unqlite tests'.
>>> Voyage-Memory
>>> Metacello new
>>>    repository: 'github://pharo-nosql/voyage/mc';
>>>    baseline: 'Voyage';
>>>    onConflictUseIncoming;
>>>    load: 'memory tests'.
>>> Should work.
>>>> --
>>>> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html
>>> -- 
>>> Cyril Ferlicot
>>> https://ferlicot.fr
>>> signature.asc (836 bytes)
>>> &lt;http://forum.world.st/attachment/5088985/0/signature.asc&gt;
>> -----
>> cheers, 
>> Sanjay
>> --
>> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html
> Screenshot 2018-12-02 at 15.02.19.png (165K)
> &lt;http://forum.world.st/attachment/5090021/0/Screenshot%202018-12-02%20at%2015.02.19.png&gt;

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