DRAT!  What (genius negated) designed gmail's interface?

If I am wrong that the canHandleInput: class method of
IllegalMoveSanta should return false, not true (because
the order of the elements of #subclasses is not defined,
so that IllegalMoveSanta might *always* be selected),
then that is further evidence that avoiding "if" made
the code LESS readable.

You are a beginner at this, doing all the right things
for a beginner to do.  One of the things you have to do
is to develop a sense of "smell" for code.  Each class
ought to "pull its weight".  Four classes -- which it
really does not make sense to instantiate, just put the
instance methods on the class side and drop the #new --
just to avoid a couple of very clear "ifs"?  I don't
OTHER REASON, if they had real work to do, sure.  But
they don't.  They only bloat and obscure the code.

On Wed, 28 Nov 2018 at 20:54, Richard O'Keefe <rao...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In Advent-of-Code 2015, the first problem is
> really quite simple.  There are at least two
> ways to think about it.
> "CS101":
>    set a counter to 0
>    for each character of the string
>      if it is '(' increment the counter
>      if it is ')' decrement the counter
>    report the counter
> "Higher level":
>    report the difference between
>      (the number of '(' characters in the string) and
>      (the number of ')' characters in the string).
> Expressed in Smalltalk this looks something like
>   Transcript print:
>     (s occurrencesOf: $() - (s occurrencesOf: $)); cr.
> Make no mistake: you *cannot* tell the difference
> between $( and $) using class-based dispatch because
> they belong to the same class.  There has to be an
> "if" somewhere, the question is not whether but where.
> In this case, counting the number of occurrences of an
> object in a collection is has been a standard Collection
> method for nearly 40 years; it's one of the basic
> operations you need to learn.
> The "higher level" approach can be less efficient that
> the "CS101" approach, but in a case like this we really
> do not care.  We want the code to be *clear*.
> What about the second part of the problem?
> Not having submitted any answers, I can't actually
> see the second part on the AOC site, but luckily you
> have included it in your program.
> We want to
>    [find the first place] where
>       [the cumulative sum] of (c=$()
>       [minus]
>       [the cumulative sum] of (c=$))
>       equals -1.
> The "CS101" approach is
>    n := i := 0.
>    while n >= 0 and i < size(s) do
>       i +:= 1
>       if s[i] = $( then n := n + 1
>       if s[i] = $) then n := n - 1
>    report n
> The "higher level" approach looks something like
>   n := (s cumCount: [:each | each = $(]) -
>        (s cumCount: [:each | each = $)])
>        indexOf: -1.
> -- although it gives 0 instead of s size + 1 when
> -1 is never reached.
> Here #indexOf: is standard, #- is defined on sequences
> in Squeak and Pharo, but #cumCount: does not
> exist.  So we need something like
>     cumCount: aBlock
>       |c a|
>       a := Array new: self size.
>       c := 0.
>       self withIndexDo: [:each :i |
>         (aBlock value: each) ifTrue: [c := c + 1].
>         a at: i put: c].
>       ^a
> This is *not* coupled to the particular use we have
> in mind for it; it is in no way tied to characters
> or strings.  It's quite general.
> Note: we do not need any new classes, except maybe
> a place to put one problem-specific method.
> While this answer, with no loop and no if in the
> problem-specific code, is quite pretty, it has a
> problem.  Suppose the string to have M characters
> and the desired step to be number K.  The CS101
> approach takes O(K) time and no allocations, but
> the higher level approach takes O(M) time and
> allocates three M-element Arrays.  (In a non-strict
> functional language like Haskell, the higher level
> version *also* takes O(K) time, and with a good
> enough "deforesting" compiler should allocate no
> data structures.)
> For a problem like this, I really don't care about
> the efficiency aspect.  If I *do* care about that,
> then starting from a higher level version gives me
> something to test a lower level version against.
> To get an efficient answer to the second part,
> we still don't need a new semantic class, just
> some place to put the code.
> Day1
>   class methods:
>     indexOfFirstBasementTime: steps
>       |floor|
>       floor := 0.
>       steps keysAndValuesDo: [:i :each |
>         each = $( ifTrue: [floor := floor + 1].
>         each = $) ifTrue: [floor := floor - 1].
>         floor = -1 ifTrue: [^i]].
>       ^0 "same convention as #indexOf:"
> Does this contain "if"?  Why yes, it does.
> Is there any problem with that?  Why no, there isn't.
> You need to treat members of the same class (left
> parenthesis, right parenthesis, others) differently.
> You need to treat members of the same class (minus
> one, all other integers) differently.
> Would there be any gain in clarity or maintainability
> if these ifs were somehow eliminated?  Certainly NOT.
> Quite the reverse, in fact.
> input2 withIndexDo: [ :element :index | |action|
> action:= SantaAction getActionFor: element. floor := action
> doMovementFor: floor .
> self hasReachedBasement
> ifTrue: [^ index]].
>     ^ '-2'.
> There is only one word for this: obfuscated.
> I was initially puzzled by your returning -2
> instead of the conventional 0 if the basement
> is not reached, and then *deeply confused* by
> the fact that you are returning a *string* in
> this case.
> Looking at your code, I was further confused
> by variables called 'aSymbol' whose value is
> always and only a Character, never a Symbol.
> And if I am wrong that
> IllegalMoveSanta class>> canHandleInput:
> in Smalltalk is to return 0 when something is
> approach
> We want to find the first place where something
> becomes true.  There are again at least to approaches.
> On Wed, 28 Nov 2018 at 05:41, Roelof Wobben <r.wob...@home.nl> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Yesterday I had a talk with luc frabresse about using if then.
>> He said if I understand it right, Its the best to not using a if then or
>> a ifTrue/ifFalse.
>> Can anyone help me figure out how to rewrite this project so I will not
>> use the ifTrue in the basement function.
>> my code so far can be found here :
>> https://github.com/RoelofWobben/AOC2015
>> Roelof

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