>>> I am working now on making the #after work so that one can get with #value 
>>> the return of the method… 
>>> I now have a version where it works for Message Sends correctly *and* were 
>>> #after on Method works better (the compilation errors should be fixed).
>>> But  #value for #after on Method needs some more work… soon!
> #value for methods should now work with this PR loaded:
>       https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/pull/2012
> This is implemented by compiling a wrapped method for #after (just as we do 
> for primitives).
tests are green, so I merged it… 

But I keep 
 open for now:

TODO for that issue:

- test if the use case shown in this issue now works

- write a test with the meta link from this issue to make sure this will not 
break in the future 
(the test should just apply it to an example, not  a whole package, though. For 


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