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EstebanLM wrote
> Hi, 
> You are missing to initialise the Voyage repository. 
> I don’t know how is explained in the Mooc, but you will probably need to
> do something like: 
> VOMemoryRepository new enableSingleton.
> Cheers,
> Esteban

Hi Esteban. 

actually I'm using an External Mongo database and in the MOOC the
initialization of Voyage Mongo repository, is done like: 

TBBlog class >> initializeLocalhostMongoDB
    | repository |
    repository := VOMongoRepository database: 'tinyblog'.
    repository enableSingleton.

TBBlog class >> reset
    self initializeLocalhostMongoDB

and in my code I'm doing exactly like above. but interestingly when I wanted
to reset the cache of Voyage by:
     VORepository current reset

again I've got another Error saying: "MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of
"reset" is nill".

thanks anyway!

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