Hi All,
 I would like to preserve the width of columns for tables after a user has
changed them (not fast tables, but it should be similar).
  To do this I plan to get the actual width of the columns and use it the
next time I need to create the table.
 Please consider the following snippet:

browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row: #Example.
browser transmit
to: #Example;
andShow: [ :a |
*table*:=  a table.
  column: 'Class Name' evaluated:[:clazz| clazz name] width:100;
column: '# of methods' evaluated:[:clazz| clazz methods size] width:150;
  children:[:clazz| clazz subclasses];
  shouldRootsExpand: true ].
browser openOn: {Object}.

 If I resize the columns in the UI and then run

*table* columns collect:[:c| c width]

I get the original sizes but not the actual ones.

I have two questions:
  1- Is there a way to get the actual values for column width?
  2 - Is there an event that gets fired when column sizes are changed in
the UI?

If there is such an event maybe all that is needed it to update the width
inst. var in the columns (GLMTableColumns).


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