
Thanks for trying it out.

I never encountered the issue you mentioned. However, the red cross appears due 
to a Morphic-related problem, not a Bloc one.


> On Jun 26, 2018, at 11:44 AM, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> Hi - yes, doing the Reset Bloc did fix the problem and I can run both 
> examples (and it doesn’t appear to break after running one or the other). 
> HOWEVER - after the reset, when I ran the example with the Mondrian views - 
> right near the beginning where it opens a Pharo browser - the GTDocumentor 
> window turned red with a cross (Note: I had done inspect on the example vs. a 
> playground so I could have a bigger window. I only now noticed that the 
> playground doesn’t use a splitter to let you resize its panes?). 
> I had to close my document and try it again - and this time it was fine - but 
> obviously something broke in the sequence of events.
> Tim
>> On 26 Jun 2018, at 06:02, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It looks like something broke in your Bloc. You can reset Bloc from the 
>> world menu / Bloc / Reset Bloc. Please let me know if it works.
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>>> On Jun 26, 2018, at 12:54 AM, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
>>> Hi - so I managed to load up the full monty gtDocumentor into an image (a 
>>> few false starts as it you try and load the full monty on top of just 
>>> gtDocumentor e.g in a clean image load
>>> Metacello new
>>>  baseline: 'GToolkit';
>>>  repository: '
>>> github://feenkcom/gtoolkit/src
>>> ';
>>>  load.
>>> On top of this
>>> Metacello new
>>>  baseline: 'GToolkitDocumenter';
>>>  repository: '
>>> github://feenkcom/gtoolkit-documenter/src
>>> ';
>>>  load.
>>> It never completes - I gave up after 30 minutes and whining fans on a 
>>> MacBook Pro.
>>> Anyway - in a completely clean image I loaded just GTookkit and then run
>>> GtDocumenter editorForText: BrToggleExamples comment.
>>> Which seemed to work fine - and showed me some buttons with different dots 
>>> on them.
>>> So then I went and tried the example I really wanted to see:
>>> IceRepository repositoriesLocation / 'feenkcom'/ 'gtoolkit-examples' / 
>>> 'doc' / 'tutorial' / 'examples-tutorial.pillar’. 
>>> And it just gives a blank tab in the _Pillar, _Contents and _GT tabs? The 
>>> contents tab does show me pillar text unrendered.
>>> Interestingly, If I then go back to the previous editorForText example, 
>>> that did work - it now also also show the same blank tabs. So it seems that 
>>> something get broken?
>>> This is on OSX with the a 64bit image - labelled 6.1 - 64bit (tech preview) 
>>> - so the current stable pharo for 64 bit.
>>> Is this a known issue?
>>> Tim
>>>> On 20 Jun 2018, at 02:53, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
>>>> Actually I realised it ended up on the be moose forum - here’s what Doru 
>>>> replied (for any lurkers)
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Jun 18, 2018, at 1:21 PM, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
>>>>> Guys this is really impressive!
>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> 2 things I noticed when going through the example in a new Pharo 6.1 
>>>>> image (with the latest Iceberg) -
>>>>> 1) The example "IceRepository repositoriesLocation / 'feenkcom'/ 
>>>>> 'gtoolkit-examples' / 'doc' / 'tutorial' / 'examples-tutorial.pillar'. “ 
>>>>> has changed to “IceLibgitRepository …” in the newer iceberg - so it might 
>>>>> be worth a note in the readme (I’ll submit a PR)
>>>> Show Quoted Content
>>>>> 2 things I noticed when going through the example in a new Pharo 6.1 
>>>>> image (with the latest Iceberg) -
>>>>> 1) The example "IceRepository repositoriesLocation / 'feenkcom'/ 
>>>>> 'gtoolkit-examples' / 'doc' / 'tutorial' / 'examples-tutorial.pillar'. “ 
>>>>> has changed to “IceLibgitRepository …” in the newer iceberg - so it might 
>>>>> be worth a note in the readme (I’ll submit a PR)
>>>> Ok.
>>>>> 2) In a clean 6.1 image I get a walkback (GtPhlowExplicitView>>mondrian 
>>>>> DNU) when you try any of the graphical bits , making me think either the 
>>>>> dependencies are incorrect  on the Baseline (or the instruction for the 
>>>>> example also need to mention you need to load something else - presumably 
>>>>> Roassal?
>>>> Indeed, this is due to the fact that loading GToolkitDocumenter does not 
>>>> load GToolkitVisualizer which includes GtMondrian. We are still working on 
>>>> finding the right dependencies balance.
>>>> Until then, please load the whole GToolkit to get the full support.
>>>>> 3) You can’t scroll the Diff tabs of results, only the Code tabs
>>>> Good catch!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Doru
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 20 Jun 2018, at 02:47, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
>>>>> Bump (not sure this got through , and keen to know how to load the 
>>>>> diagramming bit)
>>>>> Guys this is really impressive!
>>>>> 2 things I noticed when going through the example in a new Pharo 6.1 
>>>>> image (with the latest Iceberg) -
>>>>> 1) The example "IceRepository repositoriesLocation / 'feenkcom'/ 
>>>>> 'gtoolkit-examples' / 'doc' / 'tutorial' / 'examples-tutorial.pillar'. “ 
>>>>> has changed to “IceLibgitRepository …” in the newer iceberg - so it might 
>>>>> be worth a note in the readme (I’ll submit a PR)
>>>>> 2) In a clean 6.1 image I get a walkback (GtPhlowExplicitView>>mondrian 
>>>>> DNU) when you try any of the graphical bits , making me think either the 
>>>>> dependencies are incorrect  on the Baseline (or the instruction for the 
>>>>> example also need to mention you need to load something else - presumably 
>>>>> Roassal?
>>>>> 3) You can’t scroll the Diff tabs of results, only the Code tabs
>>>>> Tim
>>>>>> On 13 Jun 2018, at 21:57, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> We are happy to announce a new leap of GToolkit Documenter, the tool for 
>>>>>> manipulating live documents directly in the development environment:
>>>>>> https://github.com/feenkcom/gtoolkit-documenter
>>>>>> Documenter is part of the second generation GToolkit project, it is 
>>>>>> based on Bloc and works with the latest Pillar. It is mainly developed 
>>>>>> by Juraj Kubelka.
>>>>>> Attached you can see a preview of how documents look like:
>>>>>> <gt-documenter.png>
>>>>>> At its core it offers a live editor for manipulating Pillar documents. 
>>>>>> The interaction happens seamlessly directly in the text editor, and it 
>>>>>> can be combined with different types of previews to serve several 
>>>>>> classes of use cases:
>>>>>>  • code documentation
>>>>>>  • tutorials
>>>>>>  • interactive data notebook
>>>>>> Code documentation
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> Documenter complements the GToolkit Examples engine to redefine code 
>>>>>> documentation. When practicing example-driven development, examples get 
>>>>>> written as part of the typical development. Once examples exist, they 
>>>>>> can be quickly put together in a document to form documentation. For 
>>>>>> example, the linked picture shows the comment of a class containing a 
>>>>>> visual explanation:
>>>>>> https://twitter.com/feenkcom/status/973899862482866176
>>>>>> You can see a live example of documentation by inspecting the following 
>>>>>> snippet:
>>>>>>  GtDocumenter editorForText: BrToggleExamples comment. 
>>>>>> Tutorials:
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> Documenter offers a new experience of writing tutorials for Pharo by 
>>>>>> enabling the creation and embedding of Epicea change sessions directly 
>>>>>> in the document. For example, take a look at the following animation:
>>>>>> https://twitter.com/feenkcom/status/999975333972541440
>>>>>> The document shows a method on top, and a change preview at the bottom 
>>>>>> showing both the code and the associated diff to the state from the 
>>>>>> image. Applying the change updates both the change view (no more diff), 
>>>>>> and method preview. This speeds up significantly the process of going 
>>>>>> through a tutorial. Furthermore, given that now the document shows the 
>>>>>> diff to the current image, the reader can safely explore alternative 
>>>>>> scenario and come back to the tutorial at any time without losing the 
>>>>>> overview.
>>>>>> The size of the preview can also be adjusted live:
>>>>>> https://twitter.com/feenkcom/status/1001152789874167808
>>>>>> https://twitter.com/feenkcom/status/1001407762285375490
>>>>>> You can see a live tutorial by inspecting:
>>>>>>  IceRepository repositoriesLocation / 'feenkcom'/ 'gtoolkit-examples' / 
>>>>>> 'doc' / 'tutorial' / 'examples-tutorial.pillar’.
>>>>>> Interactive data notebook:
>>>>>> ----
>>>>>> A Documenter document can also be used as an interactive notebook. 
>>>>>> Internally it essentially acts as a playground:
>>>>>>  • it supports defining variables in code snippets, and
>>>>>>  • the execution of code shows an embedded inspector.
>>>>>> For example:
>>>>>> https://twitter.com/feenkcom/status/996310432225820672
>>>>>> https://twitter.com/feenkcom/status/1002851190475026432
>>>>>> An example, can be seen by inspecting:
>>>>>>  IceRepository repositoriesLocation / 'feenkcom'/ 'gtoolkit' / 'doc' / 
>>>>>> 'gtoolkit' / 'gtoolkit.pillar'. 
>>>>>> As always, please do let us know what you think.
>>>>>> Enjoy,
>>>>>> The feenk team
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> www.tudorgirba.com
>>>>>> www.feenk.com
>>>>>> "If you can't say why something is relevant, 
>>>>>> it probably isn't."
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> Moose-dev mailing list
>>>>>> moose-...@list.inf.unibe.ch
>>>>>> https://www.list.inf.unibe.ch/listinfo/moose-dev
>> --
>> www.tudorgirba.com
>> www.feenk.com
>> "If you interrupt the barber while he is cutting your hair,
>> you will end up with a messy haircut."


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