Hi, We're happy to announce a new member in the Web Stack family hosted at https://github.com/ba-st/ : Willow-Mixpanel <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow-Mixpanel>.
This is also a multi-release announcement of the following project versions: - Willow-Mixpanel <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow-Mixpanel> v1.0.0 - Provides Integration between Willow <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow/> and the Mixpanel Javascript API making easy to send events directly from the browser - HighchartsSt <https://github.com/ba-st/HighchartsSt> v7.0.0 - Updated Highcharts and Highstock JS libraries to version 6.0.7 - Improved Importing Tools - Migrated sources to Tonel - Willow <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow> v8.0.2. Changes since latest announcement: - Migrate sources to Tonel format - Improve ScrollIntoViewCommand - Updated JQuery to 3.3.1 - Improve libraries test cases to verify the file contents - Fixed Bug #108 <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow/issues/108>: Senders of #identifier must ensure the component has assigned an id - Added FAQs to documentation - Added an easy way to add additional libraries to a WillowApplication - Added table footer support - Added to interaction interpreters: - show:whileCallingServerToRender: This will replace anIdentifiedWebView contents with aRenderable in the DOM before doing the server call, and replace it again with the rendering obtained from the server call response - transform:into: This will replace anIdentifiedWebView content with aRenderable on the browser side - Willow-Bootstrap <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow-Bootstrap> v8.0.2 - Improve file deployment tests - Update datepicker plugin to v1.8.0 - Migrated sources to Tonel format - Willow-JQueryUI <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow-JQueryUI> v7.1.0 - Added JQuery UI dialog builder to component supplier - Improve file deployment tests - Migrated sources to Tonel format - Willow-SpinKit <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow-SpinKit> v5.0.2 - Improve file deployment tests - Migrated sources to Tonel format - Willow-Playground <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow-Playground/> v5.0.0 - Improve package tagging and rename some classes to make the code more uniform - Use the new interaction facilities - RenoirSt <https://github.com/ba-st/RenoirSt> v5.0.0 - Migrated sources to Tonel format - Updated dependencies Find a more detailed changelog and migration instructions on the release pages of each repository. Special thanks to Tim Mackinnon <https://github.com/macta> for the constructive feedback driving some of the improvements in Willow and Francisco Ortiz <https://github.com/fortizpenaloza> for the Mixpanel support. Anyone interested in joining our ba-st projects <https://github.com/ba-st/> is welcomed. Regards, Gabriel Cotelli, Maxi Tabacman and all the contributors.