On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 2:29 PM, <s...@clipperadams.com> wrote:
>> Well, I guess I don't belong here anymore…
> Please don't let one personality define our community. I'm sure there are a
> lot of people, like me, who appreciate your perspective and efforts. Steph
> has said the same thing to me multiple times about talking vs. action and
> I've worked on hundreds of issues. It can be frustrating, but I certainly
> believe it's worth it because while not perfect, Pharo is the closest to my
> Dynabook dream with enough of a community around it to have good up-to-date
> libraries around it, etc. GT, Roassal, Grafoscopio, and the new AI stuff are
> getting really exciting. Let's focus on inventing the future!
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