Hi Marcus, Benoit,

Nice to know. I was testing in a set up with both .changes and source files. So I was suspecting something like what your described. I can imagine in production code your feature to speed up compilation will be appreciated. For Dr. Geo and Smalltalk sketch, it is better to have variable names.



Le 12/04/2018 à 16:31, Marcus Denker a écrit :

I changed the way code is compiled for #evaluate: to speed it up, but it turns 
out that having nice vars is actually more important than
speed in most cases.

I will change this again and just add it as an optional feature (you then can 
set an option if you need speed, but the default will be to keep the
var names).

For an intermediate fix, you can change in OpalCompiler>>#evaluate the send of 
#generate to #generateWithSource.


Dr. Geo

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