> Am 10.04.2018 um 05:03 schrieb sergio ruiz <sergio....@gmail.com>:
> Has anyone set up GemStone/S on Docker?
> I have another project that I need persistence on. In the past, I have use 
> voyager, but I’d really like to use something that doesn’t require 
> refactoring. I was looking at Magma, but it looks like that is Squeak only.
What do you mean by „something that doesn’t require refactoring“ ?

I think to put GemStone/S on docker should be easy package wise. Years ago when 
I used GemStone I created these scripts

https://github.com/noha/stone-creator <https://github.com/noha/stone-creator>

in order to create a simple directory containing a stone. This directory would 
be suitable to be copied into a docker image. The extent and log dirs can then 
be mapped from the outside. But I’m not sure it will work out at the end. 
Docker is for isolating processes from the underlying OS. But GemStone 
limitations of the community edition use e.g. CPU pinning to make sure you only 
use two cores. I don’t know if those things can conflict with the way docker 
works. But if you are successful let me know :)

> ----
> peace,
> sergio
> photographer, journalist, visionary
> Public Key: http://bit.ly/29z9fG0 <http://bit.ly/29z9fG0>
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