I tracked the problem, it is related to change in the
FreeTypeFontProvider behavior.
In P3, #unload message cleared the cache. In P7, #unload just does
nothing. Seems to be replaced by #resetCurrent
Le 07/04/2018 à 17:43, Stephane Ducasse a écrit :
Hi Hilaire
The app goes to the dock but nothing happens. What is strange is that
it is assigned to none display.
I tried to open the drgeo.image with my working Pharo6.1VM and it did not work.
I tried to open the drgeo.image with my working Pharo70VM and it did not work.
=> did not open.
I could open one of my Phaor 70 images with the VM you ship.
I have no log files or others. So I do not know what to do.
Dr. Geo