Hi Dario,

On 9 April 2018 at 10:00, Trussardi Dario Romano
<dario.trussa...@tiscali.it> wrote:
> Ciao,
>         in the Pharo 4.0 image i have a IdentityDictionary with ten items.
>         Now when i reset the dictionary the system behaves as follows:
>         Version A)  resetAllLocks
>                                 locks keysAndValuesDo:[:k :v | locks 
> removeKey: k ifAbsent: [self halt]]
>                 Not all items are removed fro the dictionary.
>         Version B) resetAllLocks
>                                 locks keys do:[:k | locks removeKey: k 
> ifAbsent: [self halt]]
>                 All the items are always removed.
>         Considerations about it?

The first version modifies the collection while iterating over it -
generally a bad thing to do.

The second version creates a new collection of keys and then uses it
to remove the items - much safer.

If you set a breakpoint in the methods and step into each message send
you'll be able to see the difference.


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