Hi, We're happy to announce a new version of the Highcharts JS Wrapper and the Web Stack hosted at https://github.com/ba-st/. This is a multi-release announcement of the following related project versions:
- HighchartsSt <https://github.com/ba-st/HighchartsSt> v6.0.0 - Updated Highcharts and Highstock JS libraries to version 6.0.3 - Improved Importing Tools - Improved Travis CI integration - Willow <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow> v7.0.0. Changes since latest announcement: - Added composition of table row commands - Refactored a bunch of common utilities into it's own project - Improved JSScript extensions - Willow-Bootstrap <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow-Bootstrap> v7.0.0 - Updated Willow base support to v7.0.0 - Improved Radio Web Views - Willow-JQueryUI <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow-JQueryUI> v6.0.0 - Updated Willow base support to v7.0.0 - Improved Radio Web Views - Willow-SpinKit <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow-SpinKit> v4.0.0 - Updated Willow base support to v7.0.0 - Willow-Playground <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow-Playground/> v3.0.0 - Updated dependencies to the latest versions - You can now grab a ready to use image from the releases page - RenoirSt <https://github.com/ba-st/RenoirSt> v4.1.0 - Add another way of creating descendant combinators for cases when the right part of the expression needs parenthesis - Updated dependencies SemanticUI <https://github.com/ba-st/Willow-SemanticUI> and Materialize CSS <https://github.com/fortizpenaloza/Willow-Materialize> integration are still a work in progress. Find a more detailed changelog and migration instructions on the release pages of each repository. Special thanks to Ignacio Martinez <https://github.com/nachomf> and Juan Escalada <https://github.com/JuanEscalada> for contributing some of the new features. Also to Maxi Tabacman and Mariano Martinez Peck for the Highcharts update. Anyone interested in joining our ba-st projects <https://github.com/ba-st/> is welcomed, and you can also get some interesting ideas in crafting lint rules to support team coding standards <https://medium.com/mercap-tech-blog/supporting-team-coding-standards-af270140591d> . Regards, Gabriel Cotelli, Maxi Tabacman and all the contributors.