Hi Paul, > On 20 Mar 2018, at 01:45, PAUL DEBRUICKER <pdebr...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hi - This is more of an FYI than anything > > > I'm interacting with an API that is sending "expires=0" value as part of the > only cookie of their response. > > > Changing #expiresTimeStamp to > > > (self expires isNil or:[self expires size<28] ) ifTrue:[ ^ DateAndTime now + > 1 day ]. > ^ ZnUtils parseHttpDate: self expires > > > fixes my issue but maybe there's a better way to handle cookie parsing errors > > > Paul
HTTP Cookies are pretty tricky, and ZnCookie seems like a crude implementation, but I don't want to fix that right now, as it works. So I tried to fix your issue a bit like you suggested: === Name: Zinc-HTTP-SvenVanCaekenberghe.474 Author: SvenVanCaekenberghe Time: 22 March 2018, 5:05:39.517798 pm UUID: 55204037-6424-0d00-9e5a-3eaa0cba9811 Ancestors: Zinc-HTTP-SvenVanCaekenberghe.473 fix ZnCookie>>#isExpired with expires=0 attribute, so that (ZnCookie name: 'foo' value: '123') expires: '0'; isExpired. returns false. Cookies with missing or bogus expire attribute never expire. Thx Paul De Bruicker === I hope this works for you. Thx, Sven