PS: note that a matrix representation of the Life world (a) wastes a ton of
(b) wastes a ton of time if you iterate over all the cells (because most of
them are
irrelevant), (c) is awkward to grow, and (d) has problems at the edges
should not exist).  In C or C++ I would not dream of using a rectangular
for Life.  I might possibly use a quad  tree, but I'd probably stick with a
set of points.

On 16 January 2018 at 19:41, Richard O'Keefe <> wrote:

> I'm reading this in gmail.  After "this method work:" I see a gap with
> nothing visible.
> After "wich looks like this" there is again a gap with nothing visible.
> Recalling that the Life universe is an *infinite* two-dimensional space,
> you want a data
> structure that naturally grows to be as big as it needs to be and no
> bigger.  I ran across
> a similar problem last year.  A 
> Dictionary[Integer->Dictionary[Integer->State]]
> turned
> out to work very well.  You could also use a Dictionary[Point[Integer,Integer]
> -> State]
> which would be logically  simpler.  The key idea is that you don't want to
> iterate over
> all the cells, only the cells which are live.  Now the states in Life are
> very simple,
> so the data structure you want is actually a Set[Point[Integer,Integer]].
> The only
> cells that can change state are the live cells and the dead (not present
> in the set) that
> are king-wise adjacent to a live cell.   So you will be doing something
> like
>     candidates := Bag new.
>     dyingCells := Set new.
>     liveCells do: [:each |
>         n := 0.
>         each kingwiseNeighboursDo: [:neighbour |
>           (liveCells includes: neighbour)
>              ifTrue: [n := n + 1]
>              ifFalse: [candidates add: Bag]]
>         (n between: 2 and: 3) ifFalse: [dyingCells add: each].
>     liveCells removeAll: dyingCells.
>     candidates valuesAndCounts keysAndValuesDo: [:each :count |
>         count = 3 ifTrue: [liveCells add: each]].
> WARNING: This code has not been tested.
> On 16 January 2018 at 03:29, Photon <> wrote:
>> Hello folks,
>> I am trying since yesterday to make a game of life implemenation work. It
>> looks all ok so far but in can`t figure out the final steps. I think I get
>> the logic I have to use and if I imagine the code in C++ for example it
>> would be pretty much straight forward. But with pharo I got trouble
>> telling
>> the machine what I want.
>> In short I`m trying to make this method work:
>> I wrote a test wich looks like this:
>> I want to go trough each element of the matrix(cells), check its
>> surounding
>> cells if they are alive, and set its counter if there are any living
>> neighbours. It should move like this through the whole matrix to set the
>> neighbour counter for each element.
>> In this method i just tried the implement the topLeft check yet but I
>> think
>> you get the idea. You can look at the comment  in the top section it shows
>> where the neighbour indexes are.
>> I tried so many things by now, did research read methods of the
>> superclasses
>> but I can`t make it work.
>> I woud be really glad if someone gave me a little hint. What is wrong
>> here?
>> --
>> Sent from:

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