Sean P. DeNigris wrote > Here are a few things I noticed as I started playing around:
A few more… - `GrafoscopioDocumentation openDatavizIntro` asks me if I want to update the doc, which I confirm, but it doesn't then open the doc unless I evaluate it a second time - `OffshoreLeaksDocs introNotebook` fails because `OffshoreLeaksDocs` doesn't seem to exist in the system. I see `OffshoreLeaksDB>>#updateIntroNotebook` which sounds promising, but leads to `GrafoscopioBrowser` DNU #downloadingFrom:withMessage:into:. I see that GrafoscopioDockingBar does implement it, so I change to that class, but then get: `SizeMismatch: Collections sizes do not match` because aFilenameString is trying to be appended via #/ to a file path, but the path is aString, not aFileReference so execution goes down a weird unproductive rabbit hole. Is there any reason not to pass aFileReference for location? - Related to above, I notice that the remote repo (logically a URL) is also passed around as a string. Is there a reason for that? If it was a real URL (e.g. via aString asUrl), you could replace hand-rolled things like `fileName := (downloadUrl splitOn: $/) last.` with `downloadUrl file` [sigh of relief]. - When I make the changes above to real domain objects, the download succeeds... or does it?! I expected to find the notebook under the image directory like all the other books so far, but it's in ~/Documents/Grafoscopio. Why the difference? - Many of the class side methods of would benefit from annotations - either <gtExample> (e.g. choroplethWorldMap) or <script> (e.g. #downloadWorldMap). Both make the method runnable from the browser, and gtExample has many benefits, the simplest and most immediate of which is bringing up an inspector on the result - Speaking of #downloadWorldMap, the source URL seems to be missing - Twitter - how would one populate with some real data? Okay, enough for now. HTH. ----- Cheers, Sean -- Sent from: