
It works for me:

String streamContents: [ :out | 
  (NeoCSVWriter on: out) 
     addField: #x; addConstantField: String empty; addField: #y; 
     nextPutAll: { 1@2. 3@4 } ]. 
 => '"1","","2"

What is the value of the instance variable #fieldWriter inside NeoCSVWriter ? 

It should default to #writeQuotedField: (as set in #initialize).

If I am misinterpreting your intentions, please provide a small standalone 
executable example.


> On 24 Dec 2017, at 07:13, wrote:
> Sven,
> hmm. The fields I need to write are known not to be written with my 
> application, so I am lloking for a way to define a field as being an empty 
> quoted field at all times.
> So for I've tried:
> addConstantField: nil --> Exception
> addObjectFied: [:a| ] --> empty field without quotes
> addConstantField: '' --> empty field without quotes
> So it seems I have to implement some method on my business object that 
> returns nil and map it to all the fields that need to be empty and quoted.
> Joachim
> Am 22.12.17 um 15:48 schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe:
>> Hi Joachim,
>> nil fields normally write as 'empty quoted fields':
>> String streamContents: [ :out | (NeoCSVWriter on: out) nextPut: #(nil nil 
>> nil) ].
>>  => '"","",""'
>> Is this not what you want/need ?
>> Sven
>>> On 22 Dec 2017, at 15:05, wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I need to write a number of empty quoted fields in a CSV export. The 
>>> receiving application will complain about missing quotes for empty text 
>>> fields... (don't ask, I've done all the eye rolling for you already)
>>> My frst attempt was:
>>> writer addConstantField: '""'.
>>> But this doesn't write the quotes - I really don't see why, but it's the 
>>> case.
>>> Also, adding
>>> writer addObjectField: [:a| '""'].
>>> doesn't really work, because it will literally add the double quotes 
>>> between single quotes... (???)
>>> Do I really have to implement some method that returns an empty String on 
>>> my business objects and use:
>>> writer addQuotedField: #justAnEmptyString. ?
>>> Am I missing some switch to enable quotes for empty quoted fields?
>>> My version of NeoCSVWriter on VA Smalltalk is not actually a current one...
>>> Joachim
>>> And, btw: Happy Holidays to all of you and a Happy new Year!
>>> -- 
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel
>>> Fliederweg 1               
>>> D-71640 Ludwigsburg        
>>> Telefon: +49 7141 56 10 86 0         Fax: +49 7141 56 10 86 1
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel
> Fliederweg 1               
> D-71640 Ludwigsburg        
> Telefon: +49 7141 56 10 86 0         Fax: +49 7141 56 10 86 1

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