Hi Steven 2017-12-17 12:40 GMT+01:00 Steven Costiou <steven.cost...@kloum.io>:
> Hi, > > For what i know, raspberry pi boards cannot read analog sensors (which are > the most interesting imo), except by connecting to some kind of bridges or > to Arduino boards. > > In the PharoTHings code i see that there are Arduino classes, and also it > is based on wiringpi and wiringpi provides support for i2c which is needed > to connect to an Arduino and perform analog reads. > > I'm exploring the wiringpi doc to see if there is an example for that, but > in the meantime, would someone already have an example of analog reads with > PharoThings, with working code (even simple) ? > It is in my todo. I need to build example with temperature sensor. I will continue work on it next year. Now feel free to contribute to the project. About Arduino: it is not finished. Problem that I use Mac but serial port is not working there (it is required for Firmata) > > > Steven. >