Thanks for reporting Abdelghani.
Now it would be doubly useful if you could isolate which build introduced
the problem.
PharoLauncher can be used to help bisect working/non-working images.

cheers -ben

On 27 November 2017 at 04:08, abdelghani ALIDRA via Pharo-users <> wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: abdelghani ALIDRA <>
> To: "" <>
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2017 20:08:29 +0000 (UTC)
> Subject: Removing instance variables doesn't recompile the methods
> Hi,
> In a fresh pharo 6 image, I add a class with an instance variable x and
> implement accessors.
> Then I write a test method for the accessors of x
> MyClassTest>>testReadWriteX
>     self assert (MyClass new x: 0) x equals: 0
> I run the test and obviously it is green
> I remove the instance variable x. Obviously, the accessors are broken and
> the test should be red when I execute it again but it is not!!!
> I can even change the class again (to recompile it I thought) or even load
> the code in a new image and the tests are still green.
> I can also invoque the broken methods in a playground or in an inspector :
> MyClass new x: 0; increment; x then printIt. and astonishingly 1 is printed.
> The only way to detect the error is to recompile the method but this does
> not happen (maybe it should) when instance variables are modified or
> removed in the class (even when you use the refactoring tool!)
> I think this is annoying because one can no more really trust his tests.
> Cheers
> Abdelghani

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