
Thanks for trying the Linux installation.

Let me address the non-installation questions below.

> On Nov 21, 2017, at 12:56 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
> <offray.l...@mutabit.com> wrote:
> Hi Doru & Alex,
> Installation works now. During installation process I get this message:
> ===
> This package depends on the following classes:
>   BrTextEditorPieceElement
> You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load
> these definitions:
>   BrTextEditorPieceElement>>#drawOnSpartaCanvas:
> ===
> That I imagine, is related with the absence of Moz2D. Also, Pillar
> syntax works now as shown in the first screenshot, but the bloc preview
> looks strange, without preserving proper spacing between characters and
> using crossed boxes for character returns (I imagine that is related
> with Moz2D, but cairo is working, as you can see in the code previews).
> So, some old questions for my response to the feedback request a year
> ago remain and new questions arise.
> The old ones:
> - How can font size of the pillar preview can be increased/decreased on
> demand? Having proper text size for reading and writing text is
> important in a text editor.

The font used is the default text size. To make it customizable, we would need 
to extend the parser and the UI. I do not plan/have time to make these changes 
any time soon, but you are welcome to look at the code and propose changes, or 
simply create your own version.

> - How Pillar markup can be extended/changed to support Markdown?

You cannot extend it. You would need to hook a Markdown parser into the syntax 
highlighter for that.

> The new ones:
> - Which are the requisites for Moz2D on a Linux environment. It can be
> on Ubuntu/Debian. I can try to translate them to Manjaro/Arch.
> - How add line numbers to the "Pillar" tab (similarly to "Contents" tab
> and how to make it the default tab view.

Let’s take a moment to learn how to learn from the existing system once an 
example is available.

An inspector tab is defined in an extension method in the class of the object 
you are inspecting. Look at the Meta tab of a FileReference instance, and you 
get to:

gtInspectorContentsIn: composite
        <gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 5>
        composite text
                        title: 'Contents';
                        display: [ 
                                self readStreamDo: [ :stream | 
                                        | result |
                                        result := [(stream next: 10000) 
                                                on: Error 
                                                do: [ (stream binary next: 
10000) asString ].
                                        stream size > 10000
                                                ifTrue: [ result, '  ... 
truncated ...' ]
                                                ifFalse: [ result ] ] ];
                        withLineNumbers: true;

> - How to make the Pillar tab to autosave any changes, in a similar way
> to a spec text widget.

You would have to hook to the change of the #text port in order to add the 
autosave. For an example of how to hook to the #text port changes, take a look 
at GLMBasicExamples>>#onChangeOfPortAction 


> Cheers,
> Offray
> On 16/11/17 16:32, Tudor Girba wrote:
>> Hi Offray,
>> Please do not forget to try and let us know if it works now.
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>>> On Nov 15, 2017, at 9:20 AM, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Offray,
>>> Alex took a look at your specific distro and he found and fixed your issue.
>>> Please try again installing GT/Bloc from scratch in a fresh Pharo 6.1 image.
>>> Please also note that the rendering on Linux is not using Moz2D so it will 
>>> not be as beautiful as in pictures. The reason for this is that there are 
>>> external dependencies that are required and we would need help to figure 
>>> that setup.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Doru
>>>> On Nov 14, 2017, at 10:07 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
>>>> <offray.l...@mutabit.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> The readme is clearer now about Iceberg integration as an option not as
>>>> prerequisite. Installation works, but Pillar preview tab is grey and
>>>> clicking on it rises: "Instance of FFIExternalResourceManager class did
>>>> not understand #removeResource:". Also the syntax highlighting in the
>>>> (plain) Pillar tab is not working and neither the image preview. A plain
>>>> installation of just Pillar (without GT Documenter) got those two
>>>> working once.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Offray 
>>>> On 14/11/17 12:37, Tudor Girba wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> We changed the baseline to not require Moz2D on Linux. Could you please 
>>>>> try again?
>>>>> I also updated the README.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Doru


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