On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 6:01 PM, Sanjay Minni <s...@planage.com> wrote:
> Thanks,
> I will reach out,
> Will request for a post in the blog when I have got something up
> Sanjay
> Stephane Ducasse-3 wrote
>> Thanks for the information. Let us know how to help you.
>> Do you want me to post this on the Pharo weekly blog?
>> Stef
>> On Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 1:14 PM, Sanjay Minni &lt;
>> sm@
>> &gt; wrote:
>>> Hi Stef,
>>> This is a business application on Fixed Assets Management and I want to
>>> use
>>> Pharo+Seaside stack to make the current desktop application in the link
>>> below into an updated browser based application.
>>>       http://www.minisoftindia.com/assetage/index.html
>>> This will be multi-tenanted hosted application in an internet server and
>>> there are features planned for users / tenants inter-connectivity so as
>>> to
>>> increase colloboration between users.
>>> Its planned as a subscription based model and if possible there will also
>>> be
>>> a desktop (local hosted) version as well.
>>> 2 Pharo group members took up the assignment / helped me and went along
>>> some
>>> way to design / build the partially done application but both are
>>> currently
>>> out of time hence I am looking at some associates.
>>> (they can pitch in here)
>>> Budget is a constraint as this is self funded hence I am looking at
>>> someone
>>> in India (preferably Bangalore) since hourly rates in the west works out
>>> to
>>> 5X rates in India.
>>> I though I will also get pharo skills and join hands but I guess learning
>>> is
>>> not that easy now
>>> The various applications at htto://www.minisoftindia.com/products were
>>> quite
>>> successful sometime back with a fair user base but since then were
>>> shelved.
>>> I plan to re-introduce them in a new Avatar
>>> i will be happy to answer any questions
>>> regards
>>> Sanjay
>>> Stephane Ducasse-3 wrote
>>>> Hi sanjay
>>>> tell us more about this interesting project.
>>>> BTW I would love to have a success story from india and I know that
>>>> some people developed nice frameworks there but I forgot the contact.
>>>> Stef
>>>> On Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 11:12 AM, Sanjay Minni &lt;
>>>> sm@
>>>> &gt; wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Is there anybody in this group located in Bangalore,
>>>>> You could connect with me at sanjay.minni_at_gmail.com if you would
>>>>> like
>>>>> to
>>>>> join in an interesting project
>>>>> regards
>>>>> Sanjay
>>>>> -----
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Regards, Sanjay
>>>>> --
>>>>> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html
>>> -----
>>> ---
>>> Regards, Sanjay
>>> --
>>> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html
> -----
> ---
> Regards, Sanjay
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html

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