Another effort leveraging FFI is CPPBridge...

and TalkFFI (this announcement for Pharo 4)

cheers -ben

On 17 November 2017 at 02:55, Todd Blanchard <> wrote:

> UFFI (Universal Foreign Function Interface) is pretty good.
> It is how we access things like sqlite, cairo, and some other native
> frameworks.  There is work going on to make it more automatic by leveraging
> libclang to parse headers and automate a lot of the grunt work.  Search the
> list for FFI in the subject lines and you will find some things.
> -Todd Blanchard
> On Nov 16, 2017, at 7:14 AM, Hans N Beck <>
> wrote:
> Hi,
> is it possible - at least in theory - to build a VM such that Pharo could
> handle binary objects ? For example, there may be objects written in C, in
> Golang, Lisp... you could load the objects into to image, you would see
> their methods as all other Smalltalk Code, with the difference that you
> could not see the implementation or do Smalltalk level debugging. I have in
> mind the FMI of Modelica (
> I don’t now if the modern FFI already works like this. And now, I don’t
> reestablidvh CORBA :)
> Cheers
> Hans

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