Le 11/11/2017 à 18:58, Викентий Потапов a écrit :
Well, i've got very extensive feedback for i18n of applications, there are few
You should use the gettext package from PharoExtra, this is the one Seaside developers maintain. I don't understand why there are alternative repo for it...


What can i do with Pharo? Does it have unified method to deploy pharo applications? I 
didn't find that method, and i ought to do some messy stuff "by hand".
Of course, you can completely automate your application build.

You can take a look at the DrGeo build scripts there. Part of the image preparation is done inside the image.

The application build will not be the part I worry about, but more on the GUI. 
I don't know how complex is your GUI application but Pharo is now on flux with 
several competitive GUI frameworks, all in the image (spec, Polymoprh, GT), and 
forth coming brick/bloc. And depending on the complexity you need, you may not 
have all you need.

Dr. Geo

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