Hilaire I think that Pharo is getting a lot more modular. Do you imagine that we can reload Morphic? That we have a minimal image that does not rely on the compiler? and that we can reload the compiler, SUnit and more. We will start another pass because we will run an experience to get microPharo. Did you see the amazonLambda experience?
Many people are telling to us that Pharo and that the system is improving and it is really improving. Now we do not make progress without breaking eggs. And we are cleaning but probably things that you do not care: such as startup list, streams, layouts We will throw away a lot of code with Bloc too. > A cleaner Pharo will help there. > > To be frank, I found later Pharo releases not inspiring. Bigger, bigger and > bigger with added code, protocol changes, and bugs at will. Hilaire - when did you report bugs that we did not consider? and that we did not fix if it was something that we could do fast? > It is becoming > too complicated for a hobby use of it. > > I decided I will not finish porting DrGeo to P6 or P7, and it will likely > die with P3. I'm sad that you decided that because we like DrGeo. Now we cannot do much if you do not want to do it. May be you should come to visit us from time to time. > Pharo should have been clean up to the bones before adding. It was the > initial moto, no? And this is what we are doing. But seriously do you think that it is easy? Did you look at the ESUG videos of Prague. I can tell you that christophe, pavel and guille worked several months and this is not just for hacking around. So you probably do not know what we did and what we are doing. Stef > > > Le 10/11/2017 à 11:14, Marcus Denker a écrit : >> >> It would be nice if someone who uses it would take the lead >> so we can improve the default that is shipped with Pharo. > > > -- > Dr. Geo > http://drgeo.eu > > >