Hi, I'm extending Spotter and wonder how I can achieve the following.
I have some domain model, for the sake of example let's imagine Item" and "Container" classes; where "Container" can contain other Items or Containers. Then I have a custom Spotter wrapper class that shows the initial Spotter cadidates and can perform something with the spotted objects. Object subclass: #MySpotterModel slots: { #container. #something }. MySpotterModel>>doSomethingWith: item something doSomethingTo: item MySpotterModel>>spotterContentFor: aStep <spotterOrder: 10> ^ aStep listProcessor title: 'Items'; candidatesLimit: Float infinity; allCandidates: [ container items ]; actLogic: [ :item | self doSomethingWith: item. aStep exit ]; matchSubstring So far so good. Now the problem is, that I would like to "dive" (right arrow) into a container further, so there would be (notice that I am already duplicating behavior) MySpotterModel>>spotterContentFor: aStep <spotterOrder: 10> ^ aStep listProcessor title: 'Items'; candidatesLimit: Float infinity; allCandidates: [ self items ]; actLogic: [ :item | "self doSomethingWith: item. "<<<<<<<------------ aStep exit ]; matchSubstring So my question is ... how can I "pass along" a custom instance? Thanks, Peter