Ok tell us when you release something.
having a little example would be really nice.

On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 5:25 PM, Andrew Glynn <aglyn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I’m not working on that specifically, although what I am working on could
> definitely use that and vice versa, which would increase the capabilities
> of each.
> One thing I’m working on is using Vert.x for service registration and
> discovery, mapped to Apache River (JINI) to propagate that over non-local
> network segments that require fully authenticated security (as a result, it
> also provides things such as Kerberos to Pharo apps).  The mapping between
> the two is very straightforward, almost direct, but I’ve added the Synapse
> micro service bus to control data flows and secure access to remote
> services.
> It enables things like automatic configuration/integration of Pharo based
> mobile apps with newer cars that support that kind of autoconfiguration,
> since they all use JINI to do so.  Thus a Pharo mobile or IoT app can
> automatically be configured to work with any of  the car’s subsystems that
> are relevant to it.
> JINI is far more used than people realize, partly because it ‘just works’
> and as a result doesn’t get the public ‘squeaky wheel’ effect.  The fact
> that the authors of Vert.x reimplemented half of the features of JINI, in a
> less comprehensive and less reliable way, rather than just using it
> (especially considering it’s open source) shows the degree to which that
> effect is operative.
> There’s probably a couple dozen other general use cases where the
> integration will allow Pharo apps to ‘just work’ in a JINI or Vert.x
> environment, as well as thousands of industry/company specific ones.  I’d
> have to mode-switch to think of them off the top of my head though 😊.
> Andrew
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *henry <he...@callistohouse.club>
> *Sent: *Saturday, October 28, 2017 10:02 AM
> *To: *Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [Pharo-users] Actual Code to Improve the Pharo environment
> Hi Andrew,
> Are you working to bring a Capabilities model to Pharo? This is precisely
> what I am working to bring with Hubbub, running on top of my ParrotTalk. I
> derived these from erights.org's ELib and have been working on them for
> many years. Now that ParrotTalk has stabilized (layer 5) I am shifting to
> implementing marshalling of layer 6 objects using STON all to run on top of
> ParrotTalk. Once I get marshalling with scope substitutions, I will debug
> Hubbub to offer distributed Capabilities.
> What work are you undertaking?
> Regards,
> - HH
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Actual Code to Improve the Pharo environment
> Local Time: October 28, 2017 9:12 AM
> UTC Time: October 28, 2017 1:12 PM
> From: aglyn...@gmail.com
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> Writing that kind of code is another of the reasons I decided I don’t want
> to work in anything else 😊.  Maybe more important than some of the
> others, both to myself and to other users.
> I’ve gained so much personally, mostly for nothing, even just considering
> the relatively few  projects I *have* been able to work on in Pharo and
> previously in Squeak, VW and VA.  Unfortunately in most I haven’t been able
> to make the code public, since they were for entities like the government,
> DoD, etc.
> Not that VA attracts me quite so much to give back all that strongly, when
> a license is $8500+.  Were it possible to give back to VA C++ or VA Java,
> it might be different, but neither were OSS although they weren’t
> expensive.  More relevantly, both are now abandonware (hence my comment
> about IBM, which is applicable to OS/2 as well, although that has quietly
> had a 5.0 version released in June of this year).
> I would, though, love a chance to give back to Pharo primarily, although I
> may port anything relevant to Squeak, and if I have sufficient time port it
> to VW, which although not OSS is at least affordable to most developers.
> I’m nearly there on a couple of projects – one I’m testing and making
> final tweaks, another is about 2/3d’s of the way.
> The first project you (and others on the list) may be more immediately
> interested in testing, since it requires little to no additional work to
> use it, and even if not perfect, since it’s intended to directly help work
> you *are* doing in Pharo, it may worthwhile.  I’m hoping to have it ready
> for public consumption by the middle of November.
> On a different but related topic, the article I wrote got a fair amount of
> interest considering I don’t write nearly as well as Kenneth, for example.
> Including direct interest from some well known industry people, which can’t
> hurt.  In an indirect way it may even be helpful, but not in the real,
> direct way decent code is.
> Capabilities that won’t be available in anything else in an really usable
> way (because to be efficient they depend on capabilities not found in
> anything else), and in any case nowhere near as useful in anything else,
> will hopefully be more use than any article can be, never mind one I wrote,
> not just to me but also to other Pharo users and to Pharo itself.
> Cheers
> Andrew Glynn
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *Stephane Ducasse <stepharo.s...@gmail.com>
> *Sent: *Saturday, October 28, 2017 5:09 AM
> *To: *Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [Pharo-users] Smalltalk Argument
> Hi andrew
> please take a project that would help to bring more companies and that you
> want to push and push it with us :).
> Stef
> On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 11:05 AM, Stephane Ducasse <
> stepharo.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi andrew
> you should contact esteban because he is writing an objective-C bridge.
> Stef
> On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 2:30 AM, Andrew Glynn <aglyn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One thing I’m working on is a bridge between Pharo and F-Script.  F-Script
> is, basically, a Smalltalk dialect, as is obvious from the screenshot.
> However for MacOS and iOS, it allows you to bypass the static Objective-C
> API interface and debug / modify or even write applications directly in the
> system.  To do that you ‘inject’ F-Script into the OS.  The ability to so
> has a specific implication, though.  MacOS and iOS are themselves written
> in and as a dialect of Smalltalk.  (were it simply an overlay on
> Objective-C, it wouldn’t be able to do things that are impossible in
> Objective-C, and it wouldn’t need to be ‘injected’ in order to run).  Every
> implementation of Objective-C , bar GNU’s useless imitation, compiles to
> Smalltalk.  No surprise that Apple’s does, as well.
> In any event, it will allow Pharo code to be mapped to MacOS and iOS
> objects, injected into the system dynamically, and modified / debugged
> dynamically using the Pharo tools.  The result, at least as far as iOS is
> concerned, may make Pharo actually the most powerful way to program it,
> well beyond XCode alone, along with doing the same for MacOS.  Android is
> another issue, although the Raspbian port of Pharo should be relatively
> easy to port to it. For me, unless someone had a use case, I don’t have one
> myself for Android.  I’ve tried nearly every version, because I’d love to
> support an OSS ecosystem, unfortunately using it compared to the iPhone is
> still like driving a Fiero based kit car compared to an actual Ferrari.
> As far as JNI, while I see your point, JNI is such a PITA that few Java
> developers know it.  My usual workaround is to use Stamp and Synapse, which
> has the further advantage of allowing Java to ‘throttle’ data that the JVM
> can’t deal with at full speed.
> As far as dealing with other JVM languages, PetitParser or SmaCC can
> generate bytecode rather than Java or other JVM code, and that allows libs
> to be written that utilize Synapse to talk to Pharo.  It isn’t necessarily
> an ideal solution, but a possible one without having to support umpteen
> environments.  Another potential way of accomplishing that is to use
> NetRexx, a declarative JVM language, which is both easy and terse, and like
> SQL, generates the actual bytecode rather than precompiling to it.  For
> instance, imagine the code needed for a simple ‘hello world’ in Java, then
> compare:
> Say ‘hello world’
> Since it generates virtually the same bytecode, it may be an easy way to
> do it.
> With the last statement, that expresses really well the exact reason I no
> longer want to work in most other environments 😊.
> Tc
> Andrew
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
> Windows 10
> *From: *p...@highoctane.be
> *Sent: *Thursday, October 26, 2017 2:19 AM
> *To: *Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [Pharo-users] Smalltalk Argument
> I like that piece a lot, seeing exactly the described situation in large
> enterprises.
> I made a strategic decision to go with Pharo for the long run for my
> solutions because it is a stable base on which to build (ok, there are
> evolutions, but fundamentally, I can rely on it being under control and can
> maintain solutions in a version).
> The rationale is that at a deep level I am really fed up with having to
> deal with accidental complexity (now having to deal with
> Spark/Scala/sbt/Java/maven stuff) that makes the dev focus 80% technology
> drag and 20% net business contribution.
> One key thing is that a team needs guidance and Smalltalk makes it easier
> due to well known ways of doing things.
> Now we miss the boat on mobile and bigdata, but this is solvable.
> If we had an open Java bridge (and some people in the community have it
> for Pharo but do not open source it - so this is eminently doable) + Pharo
> as an embeddable piece (e.g. like Tcl and Lua) and not a big executable we
> would have a way to embed Pharo in a lot of places (e.g. in the Hadoop
> ecosystem where fast starting VMs and small footprint would make the
> cluster capacity x2 or x3 vs uberjars all over the place)  this would be a
> real disruption.
> Think about being able to call Pharo from JNA https://github.com/java-
> native-access/jna the same way we use C with UFFI.
> Smalltalk argument for me is that it makes development bearable (even fun
> and enjoyable would I say) vs the other stacks. That matters.
> Phil
> On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 12:46 AM, Andrew Glynn <aglyn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There’s other questions that are relevant to me:
> Do I give a f*** about cool looking web apps?  No, I don’t use web apps if
> in any way I can avoid it.
> Do I give a f*** about mobile apps?  No, the screen’s too small to read
> anything longer than a twit, or anyone with anything worthwhile to say.
> Do I give a f*** about the number of libraries in other languages?  No,
> because most of them are crap in every language I’ve had to work in, and
> the base languages are crap so they have to keep changing radically, and
> libraries and frameworks therefore also have to and never get any better.
> The few that are worthwhile I can almost always use from Smalltalk without
> a problem (read, Blender, ACT-R and Synapse, since every other
> library/framework I’ve used outside Smalltalk has been a waste of time).
> Do I give a f*** about implementing a complex piece of machine learning
> software in 22 hours, compared to 3 months for the Java version?  Well,
> actually yes, I do, because that was 3 months of my life down the toilet
> for something that is too slow to be useful in Java.
> Any argument depends on your priorities. I’ve written tons of web apps,
> because I needed to get paid.  I’ve written better shitty mobile apps than
> the average shitty mobile apps.  However, I’m not going to do any of that
> any longer in crap that never improves, because after 26 years the
> irritability it produces is more than it’s worth.
> A few weeks ago, a recruiter that specializes in Smalltalk called me about
> a job, although they were well aware I live 1500 miles away from the city I
> lived in when I had worked through them, to see if I’d be willing to move
> back there for a job.  That sounds like another ‘there aren’t enough
> Smalltalk developers”, but it wasn’t, because the job wasn’t writing
> Smalltalk.  It was writing Java.
> The person hiring, though, wouldn’t look at anyone who didn’t write
> Smalltalk, because “people who grew up with Java don’t know how to write
> code”.  I don’t agree with that, I’ve known a (very few) good Java
> developers.  I would say, though, that I’ve known far more incompetent ones
> than good ones, and I can’t think of any incompetent Smalltalk developers
> off the top of my head.
> Nor have I ever heard a developer in Smalltalk, or Haskell, or LISP, or
> even C, complain about how hard maintaining state is or coming up with
> various hacks to avoid it, which seems to be the main point of every
> JavaScript based ‘technology’.  An application is by definition a
> state-machine, which implies plenty about JS developers on the whole.
> If you’re a good developer you can write good code in (nearly) anything.
> My question then is why would you want to write in crap?  The better
> question is why aren’t there more good developers in *any* language?
> Every project I have been able to do in Smalltalk, though, has had one
> thing in common, the “shit has to work”.  Companies do use it, in fact I
> could name 4 large enterprises I’ve worked for who’ve written their own
> dialects, and they all use it only when “shit has to work”.  They know it’s
> more productive, they also know using it for more things would increase the
> availability of Smalltalk developers.
> Why do they not do it?  One reason, though it takes a while to recognize
> it, because management doesn’t admit even to themselves why they do it, or
> not very often.  Being inefficient, as long as it doesn’t ‘really’ matter,
> is an advantage to large enterprises because they have resources smaller
> competitors don’t.
> Why don’t their competitors do it?  Because they can’t see past an hourly
> rate, what’s fashionable, or just new, or because their customers can’t.
> Put more generally, average stupidity that isn’t corrected by the market.
> Fashion affects smaller companies more than larger ones, because they can’t
> afford a few customers walking away because they wanted an app in Electron,
> even if they can’t give any relevant reason for wanting it, and even the
> samples on the Electron site don’t work.
> Enterprises can, and do use Smalltalk when it matters.  When it doesn’t,
> it’s to their advantage to promote things that are inefficient, buggy and
> unreliable.
> Cost is relevant, but not in the simple way people look at things.  A
> crucial but rarely mentioned perspective on its relevance is that while
> Java based software runs TV set top boxes, Smalltalk based software runs
> things like medical equipment, automated defense systems, tanks, etc.  Cost
> becomes largely irrelevant when ‘shit has to work’.
> Productivity is primarily relevant to less talented developers, in an
> inversely sense, since unproductive environments and attitudes have a
> leveling tendency in general, and more specifically make accomplishing what
> the less talented are capable of in any environment sufficiently laborious
> for them to have a role.  Capability in Smalltalk, as implied by the person
> hiring for the Java role I mentioned, is a fairly decent means of judging
> whether someone is a so-so developer or a good one.
> The productivity argument is realistically only relevant in the context of
> an already higher hourly cost.  Given that it is relevant at that point,
> companies that know Smalltalk is more productive would use it outside
> things that have to be 100%, *if* their own productivity were relevant to
> the same degree that competitors’ productivity is inversely relevant.
> All these ways of looking at it are contingent perspectives though.  Yes,
> if the number of libraries is relevant to you, Smalltalk is less
> attractive, but that’s only a contingent phenomenon based on the relative
> popularity of Java and JavaScript, as a result it can’t be used as
> explanatory *for* that popularity.  All the ways of looking at it that
> are fully determinate are determinate via contingencies of that kind, which
> for the most part *are* precisely the other perspectives, including
> productivity, cost, availability of developers, etc.  None of them is *in
> itself* anything but a result of the others.
> If availability of developers is contingent on popularity (and further,
> popularity contingent on industry attitudes), to use an example already
> mentioned in Joachim’s post, then his simultaneous posit of library
> availability is if anything more contingent on the same popularity, so
> positing it as a cause and not a result, or merely a correlate, of
> popularity is incoherent.  We can go one step further, and demonstrate that
> even when large enterprises make something that works reliably available,
> they fail to promote and support it, which destroys the market for reliable
> tooling by simultaneously owning it while not promoting it, something IBM
> is particularly good at.  But IBM can’t (and if they can’t, neither can any
> other company) operate that way without the tacit agreement of the
> industry.
> To understand it in a more general way, software development has to be
> looked at in the context where it occurs, and how it’s determined to a
> large degree by that context, with a specific difference.  That difference
> is itself implicit in the context, i.e. capitalism, but only *purely 
> *effective
> in software development. It’s a result of virtualization as an implicit
> goal of capitalism, and the disruptions implicit in the virtual but so far
> only realized completely in software.  In terms of that understanding, the
> analysis of virtualization and disruption as inherent to capitalism is
> better accomplished in Kapital than in any more recent work.
> Or you can simply decide, as I’ve done recently, that working in ways and
> with tools that prevent doing good work in a reasonable timeframe isn’t
> worthwhile *to you,* no matter how popular those ways and tools might be,
> or what the posited reasons are, since at the end popularity is only
> insofar as it *already* is.  What those tools and methods are depends to
> a degree on your priorities, but if developers are *engineers* those
> priorities can’t be completely arbitrary.  Engineers are defined by their
> ability to make things work.
> Software as virtual is inherently disruptive, and the software industry
> disrupts itself too often and too easily to build on anything. A further
> disruption caused by developers, *as* engineers, refusing to work with
> crap that *doesn’t*, i.e. insisting on being engineers, while in itself
> merely an aggravation of the disruptive tendencies, might have an inverse
> result.
> Using a stable core of technologies as the basis for a more volatile set
> of products, in the way nearly every other industry does, is the best means
> we know of to build things both flexibly and reasonably efficiently.  The
> computer hardware industry is the extreme example of this, while the
> software industry is the extreme contradiction.
> *From: *Pharo-users <pharo-users-boun...@lists.pharo.org> on behalf of
> David Mason <dma...@ryerson.ca>
> *Reply-To: *Any question about pharo is welcome <
> pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> *Date: *Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at 11:52 AM
> *To: *Any question about pharo is welcome <pharo-users@lists.pharo.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [Pharo-users] Smalltalk Argument
> PharoJS is working to give you that mobile app/browser app experience.  As
> with others, we're not there yet, but getting there.  See
> http://pharojs.org
> The 67% loved means that 67% of people using Smalltalk (or perhaps have
> ever used it) want to continue - so it's presumably a high percentage of a
> smallish number of people.
> On 20 October 2017 at 03:23, jtuc...@objektfabrik.de <
> jtuc...@objektfabrik.de> wrote:
> First of all: I'd say the question itself is not a question but an excuse.
> I am not arguing there are enough Smalltalkers or cheap ones. But I think
> the question is just a way of saying "we don't want to do it for reasons
> that we ourselves cannot really express". If you are a good developer,
> learning Smalltalk is easy. If you are a good developer you've heard the
> sentence "we've taken the goos parts from x,y,z and Smalltalk" at least
> twice a year. So you most likely would like to learn it anyways.
> A shortage of developers doesn't exist. What exists is an unwillingness of
> companies to get people trained in a technology. If Smalltalk was cool and
> great in their opinion, they wouldn't care. It's that simple. As a
> consultant, I've heard that argument so often. Not ferom Startups, but from
> insurance companies, Banks or Car manufacturers who spend millions on
> useless, endless meetings and stuff instead of just hiring somebody to
> teach a couple of developers Smalltalk. It's just a lie: the shortage of
> Smalltalk developers is not a problem.
> And, to be honest: what is it we actually are better in by using Smalltalk?
> Can we build cool looking web apps in extremely short time? No.
> Can we build mobile Apps with little effort? No.
> Does our Smalltalk ship lots of great libraries for all kinds of things
> that are not availabel in similar quality in any other language?
> Are we lying when we say we are so extremely over-productive as compared
> to other languages?
> I know, all that live debugging stuff and such is great and it is much
> faster to find & fix a bug in Smalltalk than in any other environment I've
> used so far. But that is really only true for business code. When I need to
> connect to things or want to build a modern GUI or a web application with a
> great look&feel, I am nowhere near productive, because I simply have to
> build my own stuff or learn how to use other external resources. If I want
> to build something for a mobile device, I will only hear that somebody
> somewhere has done it before. No docs, no proof, no ready-made tool for me.
> Shortage of developers is not really the problem. If Smalltalk was as cool
> as we like to make ourselves believe, this problem would be non-existent.
> If somebody took out their iPad and told an audience: "We did this in
> Smalltalk in 40% of the time it would have taken in Swift", and if that
> something was a must-have for people, things would be much easier. But
> nobody has.
> I am absolutely over-exaggerating, because I make my living with an SaaS
> product written in Smalltalk (not Pharo). I have lots of fun with Smalltalk
> and - as you - am convince that many parts of what we've done so far
> would've taken much longer or even be impossible in other languages. But
> the advantage was eaten by our extremely steep learning curve for web
> technologies and for building something that works almost as well as tools
> like Angular or jQuery Mobile.
> Smalltalk is cool, and the day somebody shows me something like Google's
> flutter in Smalltalk, I am ready to bet a lot on a bright future for
> Smalltalk. But until then, I'd say these arguments about productivity are
> just us trying to make ourselves believe we're still the top of the food
> chain. We've done that for almost thirty years now and still aren't ready
> to stop it. But we've been lying to ourselves and still do so.
> I don't think there is a point in discussing about the usefulness of a
> language using an argument like the number or ready-made developers. That
> is just an argument they know you can't win. The real question is and
> should be: what is the benefit of using Smalltalk. Our productivity
> argument is a lie as soon as we have to build something that uses or runs
> on technology that has been invented after 1990.
> Okay, shoot ;-)
> Joachim
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Objektfabrik Joachim Tuchel          mailto:jtuc...@objektfabrik.de
> Fliederweg 1                         http://www.objektfabrik.de
> D-71640 Ludwigsburg                  http://joachimtuchel.wordpress.com
> Telefon: +49 7141 56 10 86 0         Fax: +49 7141 56 10 86 1

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