
2017-10-24 20:07 GMT+02:00 Herby Vojčík <he...@mailbox.sk>:

> Denis Kudriashov wrote:
>> Hi Herby.
>> 2017-10-20 18:49 GMT+02:00 Herby Vojčík <he...@mailbox.sk
>> <mailto:he...@mailbox.sk>>:
>>     I had this problem. I tried something like (though not exactly w/
>>     this code):
>>     Foo stub new will: [ :aMessage |
>>        | original |
>>        original := MockExpectedOriginalCall new executeFor: aMessage.
>>        original stub.
>>        ^ original ]
>>     but IIRC it failed on doing #stub inside will: block.
>> So the arguments of block in message #will: are expected to be arguments
>> of stubbing message (not a full message instance).
>> We can introduce new kind of expected action to automatically stub any
>> result of message send:
>>     Foo stub new willStubRealResult.
> Yeah, exactly, something like that is useful.
> With help of new subclass of MockExpectedOriginalMethodCall:
>>     MockExpectedMethodResultStub>>executeFor: anOccurredMessage
>>         realMethodResult := super executeFor: anOccurredMessage.
>>         realMethodResult stub.
>>         ^realMethodResult.
>>     MockExpectedMessage>>willStubRealResult
>>         self will: MockExpectedMethodResultStub new
> Actually I tried this path myself but it failed badly during doing the
> sub-#stub with lots of "go one metalevel down" etc. calls in stack, so I
> gave up with "I don't understand this to make it work atm".

Probably you not used superclass execution logic where right metalevel
logic is implemented (notice that in my example I call "super executeFor:")

> Does your solution actually work?
> And then you will be able specify expectations for all Foo instances:
>>     (Instance of: Foo) stub someMessage willReturn: #const
> As in, would `Foo new someMessage should be: #const`? In that case, great
> and thanks.

Yes for all questions. And new test is added for this feature

> And you will be able assert any message which was sent to Foo instances:
>>     (Instance of: Foo) should receive someRequiredMessage which should
>>     equal: #expectedValue
>> I committed this code to the dev branch. But I am wondering that such
>> kind of behaviour is really needed. Probably it is useful as you ask
>> about it.
> Herby

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