Hi, apparently it is not possible to update a GLMTabulator if it contains a list pane with separators. Tested in P6 & P7.
``` data := { { #one. #two. #three } asOrderedCollection. { #alpha. #beta } asOrderedCollection } asOrderedCollection. browser := GLMTabulator new. browser column: #list; column: #actions. browser transmit to: #list; andShow: [ :a | a fastList withSeparators ]. browser transmit to: #actions; andShow: [ :a | a actionList act: [ :actionList | data last add: #dynamic. browser update ] entitled: 'Add Item'; act: [ :actionList | data last remove: #dynamic ifAbsent: [ ]. browser update ] entitled: 'Remove Item'. ]. browser openOn: data. ``` [image: Inline image 1] Thanks, Peter