Because it is the other way around: in the block ([ :col | ... ]) you are
describing the content of the column.

So what you are actually doing is you create a Column (SpecColumnLayout),
inside which you create another column (newColumn), and to that column you
add two rows (add:, add:).

On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 4:32 PM, Steven R. Baker <>

> Heya folks,
> I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, I just don't know what it is.
> I have the following:
> defaultSpec
>     ^ SpecColumnLayout composed
>         newColumn: [ :col |
>             col
>                 add: #sideBar;
>                 add: #listView ];
>         yourself
> In the resulting window, I get the widgets stacked one on top of the
> other, and I expected them to be next to each other (two columns in a row.)
> What am I missing?
> Thanks!
> -Steven

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