Am 13.10.2017 5:50 PM schrieb "Andrew Glynn" <>:
I can't remember ever using API docs in *any* language, dynamic or not. They give you the method signatures, but if you have, say, methodX(int, int, String), how are you supposed to guess what ints and what String the method actually needs, Isn't this exactly what an apidoc is for? Additional documentation to describe the methods and arguments purpose. Maybe you have just seen poorly documented libraries? One of my favourite language fails can be reproduced by doing this: Declare a field private final in Java, initializing it either in the declaration or the constructor, and provide only a getter. Use the getter from another class and change the value of the local variable. Then use the getter again, but assign the value to a new local variable, and check the value. Maybe you should re-read about javas final keyword. It is not to meant making something immutable , you can just not reassign a new value. Java final != c++ const