That is a very cool example !

Some nit picking (just trying to help make examples/snippets even more sexy).

The shortest expression to get to the contents of a URL, using only unary 
selectors is

  '' asUrl retrieveContents.

XMLDomParser's API also has the option #parseURL: so the following would also 

  XMLDomParser parseURL: ''.

I believe that call actually has some additional functionality too.

> On 5 Oct 2017, at 15:24, Peter Uhnák <> wrote:
> Hi,
> this is not really tested, but you can try to do the following
> (installation)
> a) install XMLParser from catalog
> b) in monticello browser open Pharo/Athens and load latest version of 
> Athens-SVG package
> (usage)
> Then you import SVG XML using Converter and paint it on a surface, which you 
> convert to Form.
> ```
> contents := (ZnEasy get: '') contents.
> xmlDoc := XMLDOMParser parse: contents.
> svg := AthensSVGConverter new importXMLDocument: xmlDoc.
> svg transform: 'scale(0.5)'.
> extent := 500 @ 500.
> surface := AthensCairoSurface extent: extent.
> surface drawDuring: [ :aCanvas | svg renderOn: aCanvas ].
> surface asForm.
> ```
> <image.png>
> Peter
> On Thu, Oct 5, 2017 at 1:50 PM, Steven R. Baker <> 
> wrote:
> Heya folks!
> I need to load SVG images (for icons) in my application. I've searched
> my 6.1 image for SVG, but haven't found anything.
> Is there a library for loading SVGs? I'd really like to get them
> directly into instances of Form if possible, but I'm flexible. :)
> Thanks!
> -Steven

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