You can say `add:height:` in the layout.

You also have to add an empty row at the end that will take the remaining
of the space, because otherwise the input fields will fill the window.

ui := DynamicComposableModel new.
ui instantiateModels: #(
gameName TextInputFieldModel
platform DropListModel
finished CheckBoxModel
description TextModel

layout := SpecColumnLayout composed
add: #gameName height: ComposableModel inputTextHeight;
add: #platform height: ComposableModel inputTextHeight;
add: #finished height: ComposableModel inputTextHeight;
add: #description height: ComposableModel inputTextHeight * 4;
newRow: [ :r | ];

ui openWithSpecLayout: layout.


On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 9:23 PM, Stephane Ducasse <>

> Hi
> I would like to be able to get combo box, input field with a fixed height.
> Any ideas?
> Stef

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