On Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 2:55 AM, Casimiro de Almeida Barreto <
casimiro.barr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Is there a (easy and ready) way to convert hexa to binary. I mean, convert
> data that was transformed
>     x := myData asByteArray hex.
> back to binary?
I thought I'd try what usually works...  World > Tools > Finder > Examples
First to test what we know...
      #(9 10 11 12) asByteArray  .  '090a0b0c'
results in  #hex

but the reverse...
      '090a0b0c' .  #(9 10 11 12) asByteArray  .
doesn't show any result,
so perhaps there is no easy way.

But this might give you a starting point...
   hexString := #(9 10 11 12) asByteArray hex.
   (NumberParser on: '16r', hexString) nextInteger asByteArray " ==>  #[9
10 11 12]"

cheers -ben

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